She shoots as good as she looks guys. A helluva lot better than I can shoot here now days!
Wud a ya take in trade ? :smiley_cigar:
I trade ya a 17' Gruman Canoe wif sponsons and a outrigger fo a motor an a troll'n motor fo da bow if ya throw in 300$ boot - canoe in as good a shape as yur bow - u could practice wif dat canoe the woop Hootz ass at him shoot when the do da canoe paddle and shoot thingy - dang - i gotta see that :smiley_asswhip::smiley_cigar:
Geeeeeeeezer you are out of your frikin mind.Canoe? I swim like a rock. Dem thangs turn over ya know.
Xbow? Well - - er - - Ah - -er - -. Nuff said.
Man I needs da $$$$$$$$$$$. I ordered a Tree longbow! :smiley_bril::smiley_adfundum:
I'll knock off 5$ so ya ken get sum water wingz thingyz :smiley_breakdance:
i have an ancient spirit sequois longbow for sale. It is 64" long and 41# @ 28". Not sure the wood but it pretty! $400 to your door.
Sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold sold
Dang i know who ya sold it TOO heh heh
Yepper Geezer. Had it been the male instead of the female I probably would have said NO! Could not refuse Wendy Sue. Nice lady. :smiley_bril::smiley_adfundum: