Yellow bat or big red bumble bat? Lmao.I suppose a compromise would be a wiffle ball bat and ball...
Yep, chance of rain
I already threw it in the truck. It'll be around if we need it for shade or rain.
I'll have one TOO.
We'll at least Adam won't chaff our junk so much. Lol
I'll have 2 pop ups. I'm going to leave the carport home. We'll have enough shade up there without fuggin with that thing.
Shhhhhh, I only do that for you when you are putting in the hard work cooking!
Chad, I shaved the beard off a few months ago. No stache lol
Bring it. Would be nice to have another while cooking if it really sunny out.I have a pop up also in the camper, I can bring another also if we think I need too.