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Annual Summer Shoot @ Mingo Sportsman - July 21-23, 2017


Staff member
Set your countdown clocks now!

Coordinates to Camp Site: 40.320154, -80.739915

Coordinates to Closest/Last Spot for Beer/Ice/Gas: 40.373221, -80.731727

And as always, our standard disclaimer which is sponsored by Papaw Silverback (AKA Crash Davis) Mr. finelyshedded; with a special dedication to our very own BFF's Rick and Brain for their version of Brokeback Summer Camp at the 2016 shoot:
Each party - i.e. all attendees and TheOhioOutdoors.com, comprised of Joe Wilson, Jesse Roush, the members, representatives, and affiliates of TheOhioOutdoors.com - shall be responsible for its own liability arising from its attendance and involvement in this function. WE ARE NOT responsible for any accidents, injuries, or deaths. You are attending this event by your own free will and agree to indemnify and hold harmless TheOhioOutdoors.com for any claim, demand, cost, liability, loss, or damage suffered as a result of attending this function.
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Well-Known Member
In the Uplands
Is there a thread that exists that contains info from last years event so someone could get an idea of the happenings?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
Fudgepants took advantage of Moonlab wearing a pink shirt after slipping him a roofie.True Story.lol

Ain't no shame in my game