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Annual TOO Strouds Hunt - October 21-23, 2016


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
John, I truly enjoy having Levi join us at these event TOO! I can tell he is having a great time as well! Like Jesse said, Ron and I would have ran through hoops to have been exposed to these outdoor TOO events like this during our youth.

You've done a great job raising him buddy! :smiley_clap:

GORDO....It was awesome seeing ya again!!! Oh, look at the time! Better check on your dog, he's prolly eating his shit again! lmao


Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Wish you could've made it Greg.

John you already know my feelings about Levi. Love having him at camp and very jealous of your relationship. You are doing it right brother.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member

You fuggers eat like like a bunch of girls... Let's hope this isn't what died inside of Michael, he's chowing down again. If you guys don't here from me later, he killed me with his ass smells!


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member

You fuggers eat like like a bunch of girls... Let's hope this isn't what died inside of Michael, he's chowing down again. If you guys don't here from me later, he killed me with his ass smells!

That was some good shit. Especially on the hotdog


Senior Member
Athens County
He said Gordo time. 8, 9, 10ish. But hell most of the camp is usually cleared out by 9 on Sundays.

Ha. He's got it.

I behaved. It all caught up with me Sunday morning. Can't keep going and going like I used too these days without any repurcusions. And like clock work, it all came crashing down.

Firing on all cylinders after the down day. feeling rejuvenated. That was a much needed weekend.

Now it's time to pump station a big ole ghost buck!



Supporting Member
S.W. Ohio
Good luck Gordo. It was nice to see you. The straw definitely helped big time. And the wood. Big thanks to Jake as well for all the wood.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Ha. He's got it.

I behaved. It all caught up with me Sunday morning. Can't keep going and going like I used too these days without any repurcusions. And like clock work, it all came crashing down.

Firing on all cylinders after the down day. feeling rejuvenated. That was a much needed weekend.

Now it's time to pump station a big ole ghost buck!

Heck yeah man!!! Good luck buddy!

Yes, a big THANK YOU AND ATTA BOY to both Jake and Gordo on their job with supplying us with plenty of firewood!:smiley_clap:


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
Yeah thanks for the woods and especially dan's sandwich. Thanks Dan that was fuggin awesome right there. That was the first time i ate that sandwich. I was gonna eat one from the TOO shoot but i was hungover, lol. Thanks for deer chilli, J. And whoever brought doughnuts thanks TOO....and giles for the dip thanks good as fugg. Cant wait to see ya'll again next time.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Having breakfast for dinner worked out pretty good for me, got to make 'em up and not miss a morning hunt.
And we'll have plenty more at Mingo. Have we set the Mingo date for next year yet? Let's get that locked in!

I'm always surprised that there are never any takers for pb&j sammiches. Doesn't mean I won't keep bringing it though - I like making them to pack into the field.


Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
Supporting Member
I was just thinking about the Mingo TOO lol. Im ready for countdown? When?????