The problem is not every buck gets shot behind the shoulder while standing broadside. Things happen like the deer turns or perhaps a different shot is required. When things like that happen that's when a broadheads true performance is shown. Any broadhead will perform on a broadhead shot. Years ago while walking back to the truck I jumped a doe and grabbed an arrow out of my quiver and shot. I hit her perfect behind the shoulder above the pocket. We looked for blood but was unable to find any. I had accidentally grabbed my one field tip from the quiver. We found her a little over 100 yard later and that field tip had killed her dead. If I was to use that as an example I could say on broadside shots behind the shoulder even a field tip will kill a deer so why even use a broadhead at all. This is the same argument lots of rage users make. "On broadside behind the shoulder shots they work great." Deer have been lost with every broadhead ever made and none of them are a guarantee. But some perform far less than others. That's all I'm saying.