I am taking my climber in tomorrow, well, this morning. Wakeup call in 4 hours is going to be harsh. Last year it was noisy as all get out. Taped the crap out of it tonight. After viewing the pictures, I think maybe I should get some more of the digital camo tape and finish the black gorilla tape areas off with the camo tape. They kinda shine more than I would like. Didn't realize it. I would think the tape would absorb the smell from the smoker a bit too. Just curious if I was the only one to take a $250-300 stand and cover it up?
I even stole some straps off another climber since I have been missing these. Then I snagged some arm rest pads and made myself some padded back pack straps. haha
I even stole some straps off another climber since I have been missing these. Then I snagged some arm rest pads and made myself some padded back pack straps. haha