So my day ended with 7 does, 4 bucks and a coyote. The group I was hunting with got 2 deer today, one was a remarkable display of unusual shot placement, ugh.
My dad and brother and friends hunting in Egypt Valley Willdlife area and surrounding got a scraggly 9 point and a button and missed a few other does and a buck.
I was happy with getting to see that many and it was the first time I had seen bucks bigger than forks on my in-laws farm. I may have spotted one of the bigguns on our last drive of the day as he was >150 yards away sneaking across the road back onto the farm and I could see a mass of antler above his head.
Drives work in some areas and it also depends how you do them, if you are doing them the style where the deer are running for their lives all day then yes it pushes them way out of their normal routines and territories but if you are just walking through the woods and letting the deer move out in front of you at a trot and rarely a run then I have noticed that you don't scare them into the next county and there are still deer in the woods midweek or later.