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Arizona mule deer hunt


Participation Trophy Winner

A wash I came upon. Amazing looks like the pic above, then you will find one of these.

And the find of the day, give you one guess who's this is. Lol hard to run with one shoe


Participation Trophy Winner
Forgot to update yesterday, this shits kicking my ass.

Yesterday I got into a good amount of deer, driving in I spotted ears. I have learned the name of the game is finding ears. That is the first thing you see
Anyway we jumped out , my uncle with binos and I I'd my gun up spotting through the scope. We were able to spot about 30/40 doe and a couple spikes and forks. As they dispersed the herd split. With a quick run in the truck to a hill we were able to glass them about a half mile out in a wash. We could not keep enough of them to stand still to see if there was any shooters in the group.

The plan.
I was taken about 3 miles up to the head of the canyon and dropped of to cover the ground back to them and glass up close and see if what I was looking for was there. Far from an easy walk
With my uncle back on the perch to glass I was off. Found lots of sign all the way through and having to hoof it back out twice to glass back down in, 5 hours later I had made it into there bedroom. So close in fact I was 15 yds away from a spike. As I sit still in the base of some kind of tree that is trying to kill me,the first to stand was a spike. Staring intently through the scope looking at all the beded deer around me I soon realized that there was not a buck that tickled me in there.
The deer were starting to get restless and started to bound away. With the hopes of a 4x to stand in the commotion, I stood still watching all move past.
The crazy thing is that some would come back and just stare at me. I was able to take an innovatory once they all moved to the next ridge, counting 22 deer all doe but three spikes and two forked horns as they call them. With some scouting on the way out for today, we headed for home.

Today. Day 5

As we reached the desert there was a fresh rain shortly be for we arrived, giving us fresh tracks on freshly drug roads by the border patrol to work from. After a shot chat with the border patrol looking for any insight we moved on. In short time we were able to locate the herd from the day before, and a quick glassing we decided to let them be. The hope is that they will stay close if not disturbed for a last chance to fill a tag on a spike thurs, my last day.
With the fresh tracks leading to a different place I headed in for a short 3 hour stalk, lots of sign but no deer were spotted. The area is so big that they could have just hung tight. With plenty of scouting from the buggy and glassing on hill tops, only a doe and fawn were seen the rest of the day.

Of course something had to die! Itchy trigger finger.
Rolled him on the run. X the dog was very happy to have something to retrieve.

More tomorrow.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
You must be in BFE as all my texts never go through. Good luck the rest of the trip! What day you coming back?


Participation Trophy Winner
Day 6
Today as we arrived to what area we have been hunting, my uncle quickly spoke "there they are" as I bailed out of the buggy to get the scope up to glass. I was able to count 15 deer with 1 fork horn in the alfalfa, I still decided to roll on faith that we could find a good deer and pass.

Unlike our deer, the young bucks will stay in the doe herd till there about 2 then break off and keep there distance. We decided to move on for scouting looking for the mature buck. That buck will be anywhere from a 1/2 mile to two away on his own from the herd. With much more scouting and glassing we were able to find the herd we have kept track of for two days. As we sat up on the side of the canyon for an hour watching for any sign of a good buck in the distance none were spotted, the good Is that we still have a group that I can hope to kill something out of in the last hour.

The rest of the day was filled with the same, a few spot and stalks in some canyons and more glassing. Finishing out the day with a calling session looking for a bobcat. Had two yotes come in, I passed looking for a cat coming in behind.

Find of the day was some illegals tracks running up from the border.

Now it makes perfect sense that's why I'm lost. Lol

There are deer here, hard to believe but I've seen it.

Sat pic of the above picture. The lines you can see are old cattle trails from a homestead along time ago.

Crown of thorns, this is the plaint that was supposedly put on Jesus head.

Last day tomorrow before my tag is up.
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Participation Trophy Winner
The season ended with no Venado, but not all was lost. This trip was a great one for the book and I will be back.

Day 7 the last day started with a good herd spotted of doe's and one fork horn. With the typical glassing and a few spot and stocks for the one, without much luck. The conversation was one to remember, with the story's told by my uncle that has been hunting in the desert for 45 years. I could only hope to live and see the outdoors as he has.

With one last glassing from a hill in the " desert pavement " ( the desolate land covered in volcanic rock) a smaller group of deer were spotted catching some shade next to a lone cactus with a bush next to it. As I jumped out of the buggy to get the gun out and look through the scope. I counted 9 deer, one legal fork horn. With the crosshairs on him I clicked the safety back on and called this a successful trip.

My find of the day was this lone fork horn shed, deep in one of the washes that I worked today.

A baby taranchala making his way through

And some wild horses, these three would cover some ground. I would see them everyday in a new spot.

I will have more pictures when I can get home and to a computer.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Licking Co. Ohio
Very Nice John! The experience alone is priceless. A kill would have merely been a bonus. I've enjoyed this trip myself! Congrat's Buddy.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
TOO cool man. Can't wait to see more pics. It's been fun tagging along this week. Simply amazing that animals live in that terrain. It just looks brutal.