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Staff member
Easton Flatline 340's

Aluminum arrows are obsolete IMO. Carbon arrows will take 10x's the beating that an aluminum can handle and that's all the matters to me. Maybe someone else will make a pitch for why you should choose aluminums over carbons, but there really is no real I can think of outside of building a 600+ grain arrow. And use with a recurve...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Carbon all the way dude. IMO, anyone still shooting aluminum is living in the dark ages of archery. Jesse and reezenhunter have pointed out why... Not much else to add to it.

Easton Flatline 340s for me as well.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
i just bought some of the new Gold Tip Velocity Hunters that just came out, they seem like pretty solid arrows.They might be a touch on the heavy side, but I know they will do the job.i know alot of my arrows have taken a beating and still flew great inn the past. I previously shot Gold Tip Ultralight Entradas, and Gold tip Hunters.


Senior Member
Im a huge easton advocate. Right now I am shooting lightspeeds. THey are basicly the same thing as a flatline, but a few .001 straighter and have a unibushing in the back. I really like them, as do I like any product I have shot from easton in the arrow department. Easton makes the strongest arrow on the market right now, which is the ST Axis.

I used to shoot gold tips but I alwasy had flight consistency between arrows. THey make eas arrow a little do broad for the spine and poundage. For example, one of they arrow sizes is a 5575.THe spine on this arrow covers to broad of a range, and isnt nearly as consistent in a 65lb bow as it is in a 55lb bow. I had decent luck with them in toughness, just not in consistency.

I havew shot the maximas by carbon express.. IMO you can take Carbon express arrows adn throw them in the trash. They have a real bad problem with inconsistent spines from the factory. If you get a dozen 250 spine arrows from them, there might be 6 that are within that tolerance. THe rest are everywhere else.

So I would recomend a easton product, you cant go wrong. They make the Epics which are cheaper, but still have a solid spine on them, and they are super durable.


Senior Member
Ina Duck Blind
Easton Axis Nanos are what I currently use... I just like the small diameter for penetration and they have stiff spines and take one hell of a beating. Ive thought about switching just for the heck of it but why fix what isnt broke.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Easton Axis Nanos are what I currently use... I just like the small diameter for penetration and they have stiff spines and take one hell of a beating. Ive thought about switching just for the heck of it but why fix what isnt broke.

Same here. I've shot the Axis for 5 seasons now.. No reason to switch. They're all i could ask for in an arrow.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Actually the company is based in ohio..The carbon is made overseas ..It cost to much for most companies to make carbon in house in the US

Ah got ya. I just knew it was up in Ashland from what I was told. I was also told that the company purchased machines that was originally made in China to make eastons flatlines but for some reason easton didn't want the machines so Harvest time purchased them.
I heard customers have spine an weight tolerance tested the harvest times an they meet or exceed factory spec..Which matters more then where there made IMO.Also I am over 75% sure there made overseas.My Gold Tips work fine for me..But if I was buying or trying something different ..HT is at the top of the list..
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Well-Known Member
Beman ICS Hunters. Didn't know what I was doing when I bought them. They were in my price range and the vibrake seemed interesting. They seem to shoot well. After these are gone who knows?