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Arrow rest thoughts

My son has been shooting my daughter's bow and has really started shooting well with it to the point we are thinking he can definitely try bowhunting with it this year (with her permission :ROFLMAO: ). Problem is the cheap arrow rest that came with the bow is noisy as Fuck!! It is all plastic with three fingers that grip the arrow and as the arrow is released you hear the snap and vibration of those fingers as the arrow goes by. I don't have a lot of money to get a Vapor Trail which is what I would prefer. Any thoughts on cheaper rests that would get the job done for now, maybe in the $50 or under category? Thought about a Whisker Biscuit or even a cheap conventional (old style) rest but thought maybe you guys have some ideas.

One other option is we have an old Mathews Ignition way too small for either to shoot sitting there with a QAD HD rest on it. The pull down cord was tied into the cables, would you consider taking that and using it if you could find a replacement cord? Not sure how I would tie it on this bow though as I don't have a bow press or the little clamp things to attach to the cables.


Active Member
The Hills
Take it to a bow shop and have them swap it over. You have to set those up correctly or they will not operate as they should resulting in a rest that doesn't go down or come up all the way as it should. You will spend less to have them swap it than you will spend on something new.
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The bow is a Quest G5 Storm, anyone know if that is considered a past parallel bow? I do like the idea Jesse has on the portable bow press.

I guess it wouldn't matter since not a split limb bow would it?

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Any thoughts on the other brands Amazon has for these presses? IVEKE and Highmoore come up with the split limb brackets included and are a little cheaper $. Not that I need them now with the bows we have but might be nice to have them lying around LOL.


Junior Member
For a novice hunter or just learning.... U cant go wrong with whisker buiscut. I just switched to a drop away but the whisker buiscut on myhoytis over 10 yrs and still stoots dead on at 40 yrds. There just easier for the beginer . and around your price range .
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