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Article: Deer Vehicle accidents the past 8 years.. Shocking

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
For what it's worth, I did notice this this weekend. I travel a decent amount, normally through Central Ohio and across the top of the state and have noticed it's increasing rare to see dead deer on the side of the road. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I was on 79 to Pittsburgh and across to Ohio....and saw many, many deer. I think I saw 6 deer and two coyotes in an hour and forty five minute drive on Sunday.

Just an observation...


Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
Roadkill report: Drove to Cinci & back today for work. Total of 1 dead deer, 3 dead yotes along the roadside. Did see 4 does in a field about 8 o'clock


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Drove from Sunbury to Coshocton through Mt. Vernon and seen 5 deer total. 1:10 each way in some of the best whitetail habitat in the state.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
You guys know them deerz are still in the woods eatting them acerns don't chew! lol

Yeah, I drive to work at 5:15pm and come home 2:30am and I can count on two hands how many deer I have seen in the past month! and a couple of them are the same ones! Haven't seen an antlered deer since early Nov.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Driving home from work yesterday I counted 3 different groups of deer.....9, 21, and 13........43 deer total in a 10 mile drive. They were out feeding in the open fields because it was so warm.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
Nah, there just isn't near the woods that is down there, or anywhere else for the sake of argument.......they are easy to see. I could drive around up here any day of the week and see over 100 deer in an hour drive.....Open country deer are easy to see, but hard to kill.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Nah, there just isn't near the woods that is down there, or anywhere else for the sake of argument.......they are easy to see. I could drive around up here any day of the week and see over 100 deer in an hour drive.....Open country deer are easy to see, but hard to kill.

That's your area though. There are plenty of open country areas devoid of deer. All these people not seeing deer are looking for new deer filled places to hunt... :) Say only 50% of the states hunters notice a decline where they hunt, but you're sitting pretty.. Hunters are always looking for more and better places to hunt, and there are tons of people with places that have went to shit.. :) So lets hope for your sake those people aren't seeing 100's in the fields in an hour.. And if they are, hope it's unhuntable, unleaseable property..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NW Ohio Tundra
They are 99% does........this happens every winter around here, especially in the township where I am at. They start to group up and everyone sees them....most people assume there are that many deer everywhere, but it's not the case. They just happen to herd up in an area where they are extremely visible.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
They are 99% does........this happens every winter around here, especially in the township where I am at. They start to group up and everyone sees them....most people assume there are that many deer everywhere, but it's not the case. They just happen to herd up in an area where they are extremely visible.

Yeah, same here... Alex and I drove around for an hour saturday evening and covered maybe 8 square miles.. We found 2 groups of 8 yarded up in two fields..


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
They are 99% does........this happens every winter around here, especially in the township where I am at. They start to group up and everyone sees them....most people assume there are that many deer everywhere, but it's not the case. They just happen to herd up in an area where they are extremely visible.

Bingo. I have been driving around the last several days as much as possible too. Any night I can't hunt, I am road scouting. I have found one property with tons of deer. You guessed it. It is off limits. Last week I saw 20+ deer there. 2 nights ago I saw around 30. I drove 10-15 miles in the areas surrounding that property and did not see a deer. Other areas I see groups of deer here and there.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
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Hardin County
Drove 15 miles one way Monday evening and seen 50+. These were on 3 properties. All three are locked down and no one is allowed on them. Deer aren't stupid, they know where to go and how to stay away from the high pressure areas!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
You guys need to come down here and go for a drive... You would truly know what vacant means then.

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
You guys need to come down here and go for a drive... You would truly know what vacant means then.

Yeah but it's easy to see deer when you have a 20 acre wood lot and then 1000 acres of ag fields before you get to more woods... you might see 30 deer yarded up... but that could be every deer for 10 square miles!


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Yeah but it's easy to see deer when you have a 20 acre wood lot and then 1000 acres of ag fields before you get to more woods... you might see 30 deer yarded up... but that could be every deer for 10 square miles!

For the most part that's how it is where brock is too... Yet you still will not see them.. That's how it is here in Clark.. And you're right.. Those deer i saw Saturday yarded up i guarantee we're the only 8 deer for miles.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Morrow is officially pitiful. This last week I drove almost all of my properties and it was void. Morrow is flat fields with 10 acre wood lots every so often. I have seen one property had 6 deer herded up and NOTHING the rest of the week in the evenings. I am curious to see the total kill in Morrow next season. It is down 19% this year I believe.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yeah but it's easy to see deer when you have a 20 acre wood lot and then 1000 acres of ag fields before you get to more woods... you might see 30 deer yarded up... but that could be every deer for 10 square miles!

That is exactly what Fayette is. Flat as a pool table, miles of fields, and little patches of woods here and there for the most part. That is why "my" piece up there was so good....we have a creek bottom which is the most cover available for ten miles! :)

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Yeah but it's easy to see deer when you have a 20 acre wood lot and then 1000 acres of ag fields before you get to more woods... you might see 30 deer yarded up... but that could be every deer for 10 square miles!
Just for some perspective... I assume you are hunting in Hardin Co? During muzzy season there were 141 deer killed in Hardin. Fayette killed 26.
I don't know if you all have had the extra archery tags etc that we did (no longer thank God), but this is the direction they can take the herd in a few short years.