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As my wife says...Gun Porn!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here's my favorite of my small arsenal. Obtained this through the DCM program a long long time ago.

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M1 garand h&r arms. Great memories of shooting this gun up at camp perry when i was heavily involved in shooting as a youngster. Will never get rid of this one

Some guns are irreplaceable and should NEVER be sold. This looks like one! :smiley_coolpeace:


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My gun-buy plan for this year was to buy a new Marlin Model 60 in January using the inevitable BassPro gift cards I get for Christmas, then buy an AR-15 in March-April if I got a yearly bonus. Didn't quite work out that way. Because of all the stupidity going on, Model 60's are in short supply. But I persevered and talked it around and ended up buying a used '96 vintage model that was dirty as heck but cleaned up like new and is a good shooter.

I decided to put the AR plan on hold. Took my CCW class in Jan, received my license in early March. Since the end of January I've been researching and looking at pistols and holsters. Talked to a lot of guys, been to gun shows and gun stores, handling as many pieces as I could, taking notes on what models I like and don't like and what felt right in my hand. Turns out that of all the weapons I've handled, the S&W M&P 40 is the one that feels best. However, for carry purposes, I'm going to need to pocket-carry. (Alot of you know, I'm a big guy. And I very seldom wear a belt, I prefer suspenders. So a waistband holster really isn't an option for me.) Preparing for my gun buy, I bought a nylon shoulder harness rig for 9mm/40 and a .380 size pocket holster.

Monday night I was itching to buy, so I went to Gander, then another local gun shop, then to Olde English Outfitters in Vandalia. I hadn't made my mind up completely, but as it happened, Olde English had all of the models I was considering in one place. I was able to pick 'em up, put 'em down, compare 'em on the spot and that really, really helped out alot in making my decision, and I have no buyer's remorse whatsoever.

I decided on the MP40 and Ruger LCP. And instead of buying one and waiting on the other, I just decided to buy them both. I'm fortunate that I'm in a position to do that right now, so I thought "why wait?" :smiley_coolpeace: I'm anxious now to get to the range this weekend for some practice. Fortunately, I was able to buy a 50 rounds of each caliber, and i also picked up a box of .380 Hornady Critical Defense. So I'm pretty much set. The only downside is now having to maintain a supply of 2 more calibers of ammo. Oh well, that's the game we play:smiley_depressive::smiley_bril:



Little Boy and Fat Man .....


For what it's worth, the other pistols I was considering towards the end of my search were the Ruger SR40 and Taurus .380
I think these are both fine guns and worthy of anyone's consideration.
Two other pistols that were recommended to me were the Keltec 380 and Ruger LC9.
Can't say why, just didn't like the Keltec...and you'd think that the LC9 would feel better being a little bigger, but it didn't.
When I hold the LCP, it fits in my hand straight as an arrow. The LC9 kinda "sliced" to the right a little....go figger.
But it was fun checking out all the different models.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Giggity giggity! Have a fun weekend Danno!

I have been considering the LC9 or XD9 here lately. Time will tell I guess.


Senior Member
Athens County
Hell yeah dude.

Always great to pick up some new firearms.

Im on the look out for a single stack sig in 9mm for the warmer months. Hope to come across one soon.

My buddy one buddy scored yesterday on two kimbers. One 1911, and another that was a compact 9mm. Great guns. The dudes a gun trading machine.

He turned a del ton AR into a dirtbike into the two kimbers and a 10/22 tactical ruger. Fuggar


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Congrads Dan! :pickle:

I know you have a knack for naming your guns. These two names have not disapointed me !


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Good choices Dan, and it is smart to go handle different one to see what feels right in your hand.

I keep thinking I want a Glock, but they just don't feel right.


Senior Member
Athens County
Good choices Dan, and it is smart to go handle different one to see what feels right in your hand.

I keep thinking I want a Glock, but they just don't feel right.

You lookin in a compact glock like the 26? Or more full size? The great tweener, out of the 9's is the 19. Best of both worlds.

I havent shot nearly enough pistols to have a true opinion, but im real happy with my 26 and 17. The 17 has a compensated barrel, and is a great shooter. Follow up shots are a breeze with the 17c. She stays nice and flat brcause of that barrel. Ive also shot her in pitch black at night, and the vertical flash is far from blinding


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
If you start with a Glock you can stay with them. But if you started with something else they are hard to get used to. I can shoot one well but I have to pay attention to do it. All my other plastic fantastics are more natural, for me.


*Supporting Member*
Mahoning Co.
Handguns aren't really my thing but I do have some. I've handled and shot many of the more common pistols and revolvers. Nothing however feels so natural in my hand as a Single Action Army. The real thing is out of my price range but a number of years ago I found this Cimarron Artillery model in .45 Colt.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Nice one Sam.Ya. Something about the design of a single action army...Always felt good in my hands TOO.
BTW; what is that under the gun but on top of the doily?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Just a happy snap but priceless to me. It was Dads
This Savage 380 was marketed in 1909 as "10 Shots Quick" A point in time where automatic handguns were being promoted to the public. Its a sound little gun and shoots quite well for its age.

Seems like the women were directed towards the 32. The 380 is much harder to find.
