That's pretty cool looking Adam!
First one of those I've seen. Wack a Doe with it mid October!
That's the plan man. Got this for the Strouds hunt so I could wack a couple deer with it and see if I like it or not lol. Then I will try again for gun season and then maybe late season muzzyGotta give it a fair chance lmao
Diden't you have an Omega?
Welcome to your newest obsession! :smiley_clap:
I took delivery of my latest 2 toys last night.
A Hi-Standard H-D Military with 3 magazines. I plan on using this as a carry farm pistol as I like the idea of the exposed hammer. Only made I believe in 1948-1949. I loaded 10 rounds and function was flawless. really good deal as the original magazines are 90.00 each. Probaly trade one magazine off for a original magazine for the Astra 300 in 380ACP.
The other pistol was a WW11 Nazi Astra 300 in 380ACP made in Spain. I believe the 300 was a Nazi officer sidearm. All matching and really nice shape. I bought this for a investment but since I like the idea of the grip safety I may use it as a CCW carry pistol. I tried one magazine of my reloads and it functioned flawlessly.
Live is enjoyable when your having fun with toys. I tell non-gun people I know I invest in valuable metals.
Great looking piece Jim! Funny how they follow you home sometimes.
I shot 12 rounds of 45ACP ball ammo at 15 yards and must say it was very pleasant to shoot. I look forward to trying some hotter rounds for a future bow stand, deer hunt. I haven't dug out a few 45 longs to shoot yet.
But I will
Do be careful as a 44 mag. round will chamber and fire. It won't cause any real problems since it's undersize.
Just don't ask me how I know.
That is a fine looking gun. Did you daughter manage to find anything?