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As my wife says...Gun Porn!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
That's pretty cool looking Adam!
First one of those I've seen. Wack a Doe with it mid October!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
That's pretty cool looking Adam!
First one of those I've seen. Wack a Doe with it mid October!

That's the plan man. Got this for the Strouds hunt so I could wack a couple deer with it and see if I like it or not lol. Then I will try again for gun season and then maybe late season muzzy ;) Gotta give it a fair chance lmao


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
That's the plan man. Got this for the Strouds hunt so I could wack a couple deer with it and see if I like it or not lol. Then I will try again for gun season and then maybe late season muzzy ;) Gotta give it a fair chance lmao

Diden't you have an Omega?


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I took delivery of my latest 2 toys last night.
A Hi-Standard H-D Military with 3 magazines. I plan on using this as a carry farm pistol as I like the idea of the exposed hammer. Only made I believe in 1948-1949. I loaded 10 rounds and function was flawless. really good deal as the original magazines are 90.00 each. Probaly trade one magazine off for a original magazine for the Astra 300 in 380ACP.
The other pistol was a WW11 Nazi Astra 300 in 380ACP made in Spain. I believe the 300 was a Nazi officer sidearm. All matching and really nice shape. I bought this for a investment but since I like the idea of the grip safety I may use it as a CCW carry pistol. I tried one magazine of my reloads and it functioned flawlessly.
Live is enjoyable when your having fun with toys. I tell non-gun people I know I invest in valuable metals.

Magazine type.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
So yesterday I'm with my daughter taking in a local gun show. She has been watching for something special and I was merely there in an advisement capacity...
I was doing fine until I happened apon a Ruger guy.

I always liked the Bisley's but really never saw one that I was willing to pull the trigger on until I saw the sticker that said "45 Colt / 45 ACP "...
"Well Damn. I have 45 ACP and a 45 Long Colt. " I justified it because I already shoot both types of 45... Merry Christmas to me

Rugers Single action Bisley from the Blackhawk line. 5.5 " barrel with a fluted cylinder for the 45 ACP and a full cylinder for the 45 Colt (AKA 45 Long)
Here are a few happy snaps

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Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Nice looking gun Jim.... My buddy has a red hawk in .41 cal stainless..... Thing is a cannon going off.....


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
I shot 12 rounds of 45ACP ball ammo at 15 yards and must say it was very pleasant to shoot. I look forward to trying some hotter rounds for a future bow stand, deer hunt. I haven't dug out a few 45 longs to shoot yet.
But I will


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I have the same Bisley 45LC/45ACP pistol. It's a sweet pistol. Even took a deer with the 45LC couple years ago. My 1st and only deer with a iron sighted pistol as all others was with a scope or red dot.
Your going to enjoy the outfit. You may want to tune the trigger up some. Also the guys are filing the pawl so the cylinder spins both ways so alittle easier to load of you go past a hole.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
I shot 12 rounds of 45ACP ball ammo at 15 yards and must say it was very pleasant to shoot. I look forward to trying some hotter rounds for a future bow stand, deer hunt. I haven't dug out a few 45 longs to shoot yet.
But I will

Do be careful as a 44 mag. round will chamber and fire. It won't cause any real problems since it's undersize.
Just don't ask me how I know.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
Do be careful as a 44 mag. round will chamber and fire. It won't cause any real problems since it's undersize.
Just don't ask me how I know.

Duly Noted.
(note to self- clearly re-label 45/44 ammo boxes)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
NE Ohio
That is a fine looking gun. Did you daughter manage to find anything?

Funny you should ask.

Years ago I purchased a Smith/Wesson Model 10 for Syndi in the 38SPE. She had promised it to our older daughter "someday".
Since both girls shot the gun, (quite well I might add) my younger one said she wanted to find the same gun. We have both kept out eye out for the last year but never found one she liked or that was a fair price. This last weekend she spotted a Smith model 10-6 "heavy" in the 38 SPE. Instead of the classic tapered barrel the standard Smiths have, this one has a "heavy" or what some may call a "bull" barrel. She fell in love with it. It was the first gun at the first booth. She told me later that through out the time we were there she kept looking back to see if anyone was looking at it. lol
It was on the way out we stopped at the booth again and I noticed the Bisley. I was kinda cool over it but she started talking to the guy about the Smith...

After she got him down to a price she was willing to pay I started on the haggling over the Ruger. Once a decent price was kinda settled on I hit him w/ a "bundle deal". I thought it would cap the bartering but he came down another notch and we committed. Mine almost a wash due to some prior sales but she could not be happier. She's not new, made between 1977 and 1983 but she's just what she wanted and a really nice shooter thats solid. Only holster wear.

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