I may be wrong here but I've heard if the landowner doesn't press the charges the WO doesn't have a leg to stand on unless its in the co op. Is this right or wrong . I'm just going by hear say. Don't throw bricks here guys I'm just wondering.
I had a GW even show me how the law is in the books he carryed in his trunk
A GW can write you up for hunting on any privite land ( not your own ) without writen permission
It was explained to me that a GW "CAN" write you up , even if you are hunting with the land owner
But he told me , that would get him in HOT WATER
I got chewed out by a GW last fall , while I was rabbit hunting
As I had left the signed permission slip in the truck
So I did a little research
A GW can even enter your house to search your freezer , if he thinks poached game is in the freezer
Also , it used to be the only 2 people that could arest a Sherif ( that has changed some )
Was a GW and the County Corinor
A GW has more things he can write you up for , that just game laws