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Banned from OS


Tatonka guide.
H4L, welcome....Time to put this behind you and leave it there. Pull up a stump and enjoy our campfire....no booze till yur 21 thoughlol


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
awwe thanks for all the advice dads

:smiley_chinrub: Better not be crackin' wise.
Remember, you're walking among men here. Man up, and you'll be treated like one.

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." 1cor13:11

Now lets talk about killin some deerz......


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
:smiley_chinrub: Better not be crackin' wise.
Remember, you're walking among men here. Man up, and you'll be treated like one.

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things." 1cor13:11
Now lets talk about killin some deerz......

Thank you Dannman!
when ya sit back and think of it , people that get banned from there then come straight over here ,or are on here and purposely get themselves banned just to come over here make everybody on here look childish , immature, thats why i stopped what i was doing before i did it , ,yes i still go back over theyre and check on who has shot what and so one and so forth , and im still running the squirrel contest , i may or may not be on that site next year , i havent decided , but if i do leave that site , its cause of all the dang pop up advertisements , my badge of honor gets posted on my chest everyday when my lil girls call me daddy , not because i made a ass of myself on some hunting forum


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Ehhh annyway. Welcome.

As far as the os stuff. I don't know what you did but you got banned for it. Many of us have been banned from there before and shouldn't cast judgment on you for that. However don't expect us to give you a cookie for dragging this site into it.

Long ago we made a truce with Steve. No cross site trolling advocated by the site leaders. Obviously we can't stop what an individual does. But we agreed to treat that person as an individual and not like the other site condones it or eggs it on. I told Steve to ban anyone he saw fit. And to expect the same from me if his members come here starting crap.

So.. Welcome.. I look forward to your posts. Just don't expect an ata boy for what you did as an individual over there.


Retired to the happy hunting grounds above.
IMHO banning is dumb. You open a web site and invite folks in. When they get rude and they with, send em a notification and say you broke the rules. Please stop that. Then if the dim wits keep it ban en. There needs to be a two way conversation and KEEP ego out of it. I've been banned from TG for a simple disagreement with the owner who thinks he is right on every thing. To go out of your way to burn the bridge behind you is also dumb. At any rate frankly Scarlet I don't give a #$%^#@!