wooden bow builder wears many hats, uses many tools. from chainsaw to spray gun to sewing needles and a plethora of others in between. sewing ain't my strong suite, but, by necessity, I've learned to do it adequately. don't much like it though. after going to all this trouble, crappy looking leather handle is out of the question. has been a long haul for me to get this part down, but I'm not willing to settle for lousy finish work.
I use 2oz purse leather because it's stretchy enough to be made to fit around the contours of a bulbous handle. cut out the leather, skive the edges on what will be the top and bottom of the handle. apply contact cement to both surfaces. attach the leather to the handle, tending to the edges to make sure they are straight and the skived edges are glued down properly.
once glued down, the dressed look of the skived edge is a very clean look. much better than the cut edge of the leather, which is a much lighter brown color than the outside.
I use 2oz purse leather because it's stretchy enough to be made to fit around the contours of a bulbous handle. cut out the leather, skive the edges on what will be the top and bottom of the handle. apply contact cement to both surfaces. attach the leather to the handle, tending to the edges to make sure they are straight and the skived edges are glued down properly.
once glued down, the dressed look of the skived edge is a very clean look. much better than the cut edge of the leather, which is a much lighter brown color than the outside.