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Best Cover Scent

I agree with Jesse, less and fresh smoke is more. The only clothes I pre-smoke any more are my long underwear, boots, socks, etc basically the under garments. Everything gets washed in scent killer type detergent, then depending on what they are if the get pre-smoked they go in one tote and the outerwear goes in another. Fresh smoke is used on the outerwear, gloves, head covers, etc.. I TOO think the stale smoke soaked clothing, especially outerwear, is enough of an odd smelling smoke that makes them a little wary. I've got enough years behind me to look back and when I've used fresh that morning I've had much better success with close dead downwind deer than pulling out pre-smoked and heading to the woods expecting the same result.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I go back and forth on smoke or no smoke all the time. I know I have a helluva time trying to stay scent free. Just seems damn near impossible for me. So, smoke is probably the best route.
I have tried to go smoke free so far this season and using an ozone unit that I picked up for cleaning my CPap machine. I placed it in a cheap version of one of those scent killer closets. As far as I know, the only time I've been busted this season was down Strouds and I didn't go through the routine there.
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Senior Member
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I go back and forth on smoke or no smoke all the time. I know I have a helluva time trying to stay scent free. Just seems damn near impossible for me. So, smoke is probably the best route.
I have tried to go smoke free so far this season and using an ozone unit that I picked up for cleaning my CPap machine. I placed it in a cheap version of one of those scent killer closets. As far as I know, the only time I've been busted this season was down Strouds and I didn't go through the routine there.

Being 15 steps at eye level dead up wind is hard to not get sniffed out! LOL
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I never understood why anyone would “pre-smoke”. I tried smoking my gear in a tote one time and found it to be hideous. Lol

To try to save time for the most part. I've got an old outhouse turned pool house in the back yard that I put a clothes rod across, hung everything on hangers, load up the smoker and close the door. Made it simple but as others mentioned it gets stale after a while of sitting in the tote. All the undergarments that I do pre-smoke get washed regularly and then pre-smoked just prior to heading down to hunt. That way they aren't sitting for days or even weeks on end.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
To try to save time for the most part. I've got an old outhouse turned pool house in the back yard that I put a clothes rod across, hung everything on hangers, load up the smoker and close the door. Made it simple but as others mentioned it gets stale after a while of sitting in the tote. All the undergarments that I do pre-smoke get washed regularly and then pre-smoked just prior to heading down to hunt. That way they aren't sitting for days or even weeks on end.
I kinda do this before each hunt with my truck cab. I throw everything in it cab with the windows up and send an arrow down range. Kiss the wife and kick the kids. Then I hit what’s on my body before rolling out. My clothes generally get washed every time so this build up you guys speak of, I’ve never noticed.


Big Sassafras root boiled in a qt of water, basically sassafras tea but alot stronger. Smells good and can put alot on with no I'll effects! I try to always hunt the wind but so far so good I haven't been busted yet 👍
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Junior Member
NW Ohio

Hands down the best cover scent possible!!!
I have a question about this topic. I am new to deer hunting, so still learning. I have been going to my property every couple of days for the last couple of weeks at about 5:00 pm, checking the trail camera and dumping some deer corn in the same area about 10 to 15 yards from a blind I set up. The first couple of times I went, I spread out some doe estrous in the area, but I haven't done that in a while now. Anyway, every time I check my trail camera, there appears to be a lot of activity from about 8:00pm to about 7:30am. The bucks and does captured on my trail camera don't seem to mind what ever scent I left there and I haven't really attempted to hide my scent. I even drove my truck right up to the blind the first few times and one day because of pouring rain, but I mostly park it about 75 yards away now. One nice buck laid down a few nights ago right there in the camera's view for a couple of hours.

So, I am wondering, could they get used to smelling me there? If so, any need to hide my scent? When I finally decide to hunt in the next or so, I will probably spread some doe estrous around in my target area which I figure will be enough. The last couple of times I did that, the woods smelled like doe urine.

Anyway, does anyone have any thoughts on that?



I’d shy away from using scent at all, but definitely wouldn’t use estrous as a cover scent. Maybe standard urine scent. Lots of guys here like evercalm. I’ve never tried it and likely wont, but it seems to work. I play the wind, thermals, topography and use a good regiment of washing (clothes and myself scent free) spray (probably useless) and light smoke. Tons of info out there. Beware of those that lead with product.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
It honestly doesn’t sound like the deer live on that property. Can you tell us more about the set up? Acres/agriculture/creeks/thickets/old growth/acorns/apples


Junior Member
Big Sassafras root boiled in a qt of water, basically sassafras tea but alot stronger. Smells good and can put alot on with no I'll effects! I try to always hunt the wind but so far so good I haven't been busted yet 👍
Never tried it, but I could see how it would work it's got that spearmint type smell in the bark, I'll have to try that sometime.


Junior Member
never tried the smoke thing everyone talks about, but I do the shower scent-free soap spray tan liberally wash my clothes a lot and scent away laundry detergent, and use the wind. finally get a hunt tomorrow can't wait
It honestly doesn’t sound like the deer live on that property. Can you tell us more about the set up? Acres/agriculture/creeks/thickets/old growth/acorns/apples

It is just under 10 acres. About 2 acres are solid woods, then there is a thinner stand of woods that wrap the border around a big field with tall grass. The woods are about half thicket and half open, but definitely not old growth. It appears to flood a lot in the spring. There's a small drainage pond that is almost dried right now, but fills up during the rainy seasons. I haven't explored the thicket areas too much, but I have seen signs of deer bedding down in the tall grass though. I found a spot with a sapling rubbed down pretty good and after seeing some new bigger ones show up, I bought the trail camera and focused my efforts on that one area. I was impressed with the deer activity there, although it is mostly at night. I never thought about if there are deer actually living there are not. I didn't buy the property to hunt, but I have some friends who said they hunted that area as kids and I've seen the signs of deer, there so I though I should try hunting. I've had a bow for a while and never got around using it for hunting. I mostly go to Michigan for Salmon and Erie, PA for Steelhead this time of year and never had a lot of time to spend looking for places to hunt. Having my own property close to where I live makes it a lot easier.
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Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Awesome! Night time only pics usually means the deer live somewhere else. What time of night are we talking, middle? Is there a place to get and observation stand?

We like pics of fish too! Start a salmon/steelhead thread and take us along.
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Big Weff

Junior Member
My opinion is this, deer can tell the difference between current scent and previous scent. Just because you are still getting pictures doesnt mean the dear are comfortable with your scent. It means they know you aren't there right now. Like cogz said, I dont think dumping out piss is necessary. I've found that a manufactured ground blind in itself is a great way to conceal your scent while hunting, I have very seldom used one but in my experience its damn near impossible to get busted for sent out of one. Good luck!
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