Who knows, they could've lived long happy lives and died naturally. Motor boating and living the dream.
I highly doubt they avoided the 8-9 treestands that were in the woods and the huge pile of eared corn that was still on the ground. Must be a bunch of masterbaiters around there lol.Who knows, they could've lived long happy lives and died naturally. Motor boating and living the dream.
I would of rather found their sheds for sure. I'm going to try the satin white paint on the old skull and some walnut minwax on the antlers. I'll boil the fresh one and mount it on a piece of old barn wood and it'll come in the house.Dang man!!!! Great finds though Chad! Hate to see em get found like that!
No, but there must be at least 2-3 in there. The fresh deadhead was laying 30 yards from a treestand. Which leads me to believe that nobody hunting that property shot that buck. Plus the property is only 80 acres, 20 of it being wooded.Do you know any of the hunters that hunt that piece?
It stunk, like they usually do. Rodents don't ever chew on the antlers of deadheads for some reason.That thing looks NASTY! It also looks unmolested by critters.
It stunk, like they usually do. Rodents don't ever chew on the antlers of deadheads for some reason.
Ya it didn't look like the yotes found it.The body looks to be intact also. Not all pulled apart and littered all over the woods.
It stunk, like they usually do. Rodents don't ever chew on the antlers of deadheads for some reason.
I've never found one that had the antlers chewed on.That's not true