So yesterday we slept in and headed home about 9. On the way home he asks if we can hunt when we get back I told him yeah but his sister will have to go to and she gets first shot since he just shot one. Once we got back and unloaded we made a plan on where we wanted to go. My brother had been watching this field and said there had been 30 deer in it the night before with 3 of them being smaller bucks. So we picked him up dropped him off at the other side of the farm where he had pics of 2 good bucks he was gonna try to shoot. About 430 a buck walks out and Cooper instantly wants to shoot it, I talked him out of it and told him if it comes back he can shoot it. ( savannah has a little higher standards than Cooper lol). So about an hour later some does feed out about 15 yards from us and thay buck bounces out of the woods right to them Cooper instantly gets up and spooks them a little they move out to about 30 yards and he makes what I thought was a really good shot. So after celebrating with them I get the bow cocked again and get them quite. About 30 minutes later I look over and one of the bucks my brother is hunting is standing 10 yards from the blind I instantly tell them no moving, I thought we were busted but he just walked on out infront of the blind and savannah was scambling to get on the bow. He stops and looks back at us and I say your gonna have to shoot him now. Next thing I know she turns it loose and it hits him back in the hip. He takes off falling and dragging his back leg. I was hoping the shot was fatal but wasn't sure so we get out and peak at the blood and it's pouring I knew it got the artery and was angled forward good. So we back out for 2 hours and go back to find coopers which I thought was smoked. Very little blood and some stomach bile. So we back out and go look for savannahs and he didn't make it 100 yards. So I sent Rick and mad max a message and he says he can meet this morning so I let the kids skip school to go find coopers deer. I felt like we could find it but I wanted to see max work. About 10 minutes or so of him being on the track we were standing at the deer. I'm a believer no blood and he went right to it. Overall one of the best weekends of hunting I've ever had, seeing the smiles and passion they both have make me proud.