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WTB Bobwhite Quail and/or Pheasants


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Wanted To Buy...

A good friend of mine is looking for a supplier of Bobwhite Quail and/or Pheasants to use for dog training. He's in northern Wayne County, but is willing to travel just about anywhere north of Columbus. Thanks!


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
We have a pheasent farm here in Crawford that ships baby chicks all over the country. Let me look up the number for you. I can also ask my one landowner where she got her quail chicks from before the coon killed tham all.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Ha! My dad used to raise pheasants when I was a kid so I know how nasty they can be lol. My buddy is looking for full-grown birds... basically birds that can be set out, used for pointing/retrieving training (and shooting of course :)). I'll have to take a look at that website... thanks Adam.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Ha! My dad used to raise pheasants when I was a kid so I know how nasty they can be lol. My buddy is looking for full-grown birds... basically birds that can be set out, used for pointing/retrieving training (and shooting of course :)). I'll have to take a look at that website... thanks Adam.

That website I gave you is the farm I worked at. It has pens on both sides of the road and the north side alone had 10k+ birds and the south side had about 5-7k private stock birds. Nothing like going into those pens and getting the eggs out. Find dead birds, poo ankle deep, and have to grab eggs that the hens lay wherever they decide to drop one. We had to take all the eggs back to the main barn and hand wash and sanitize each and everyone of them. Just all around NASTY work.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
That website I gave you is the farm I worked at. It has pens on both sides of the road and the north side alone had 10k+ birds and the south side had about 5-7k private stock birds. Nothing like going into those pens and getting the eggs out. Find dead birds, poo ankle deep, and have to grab eggs that the hens lay wherever they decide to drop one. We had to take all the eggs back to the main barn and hand wash and sanitize each and everyone of them. Just all around NASTY work.

Wow that takes nasty to another level. Sounds like it'd be a good job for Mike Rowe and the Dirty Jobs crew to check out!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well we were able to track down a guy in Dellroy that had bobwhite quail and chukars for sale. It turned out he was only about 5 minutes away from my mom's house down there, so it worked out pretty good. His name is George Sanford... if anyone else is interested and wants his phone number, just send me a PM.


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Thats one sound I miss living up north...Where I grew up SE of Cincy... You would here bobwhites all the time. I dont think I have heard them yet since I have been up here


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
Funny this came back up, I just got invited to a kansas pheasant hunt last night....Would bea blast, but no way I can afford a trip like that. Its just splitting gas and food, but still a expensive trip im sure


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My boss is going back to North Dakota again this fall. He had an absolute blast last year, and really stacked up the pheasants and ducks. He rented a house from some farmer for the week (dirt cheap, too) and they hunted self-guided all over the place. There's absolutely no need to pay big money for a ranch hunt out there that's for sure.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Buddy of mine worked out there every summer for a family member that has 30k acres. I have an open invitation but haven't made the time. Sad thing is that it is leased for deer hunting so I can't hunt it for deer.



Dignitary Member
Staff member
Iowa pheasnt may be in my future. Hopefully...

On a business trip once my idiot travel lady booked me on a flight into Sioux Falls South Dakota when the job was in Sioux City Iowa.. I had to drive an hour and a half down 29... Dead roadkill pheasants everywhere. Like coons hit on the road here there were pheasants hit every 100 feet. It was a slaughter i tell ya... I almost hit 3-4 myself on the drive there and back... They were LOADED with them. I always said If i was to go on a wild pheasant hunt. That would be the place. It was like the Pike county of pheasants. lol


Junior Member
Try 'Bill Christain Game Birds', In Polk, Ohio located near Fin, Feather, & Fur Outfitters his phone number is 419.606.8197 He raises pheasants, quail & chukar.