Yes, follow your xbows recommendation for nocks. Some will void your warranty as far as that goes. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it). With that being said: I have shot flat, half moon and omni out of all different bows. They seemed to work fine wherever I put them.
I do like the Black Eagle Arrows. The Executioner line and the Zombie Killer line have worked fine for me. Carbon is all I buy anymore. I use Blazer vanes when possible or re-fletch with Blazer.
My own personal preference is mechanical. I shoot the Rage Hypodermic (probably knock-offs) from China. $24.59 for 20 broadheads now. I have had great results with Spitfire and Grim Reapers also. Different bows say different things, but I shoot 100 gr. and have for years.
I have not shot or been around this crossbow Marcus. I would think first off it would be like the others (Myself I swear by Tenpoint and Parker but just my preference). Your results may vary but I'd bet not by much. Hope this helps and turns out good for you and your daughter.