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Bonus weekend, season down.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Thread derail...

JD what has been the average price before the last couple years near you? Also, is most of your work clearing land for them? I always heard the farm land around you was pretty costly compared to other parts of the state. Last auction I was at the land (near Shelby) went for $8,800 an acre and it needed improvements.


Senior Member
Athens County
Do they all try to hammer the coon population?

I could be off here by thinking it would be easier then it is? I'd think one guy running live traps year around would decimate a coon population on a property?

Prob not that easy

JD Boyd

*Supporting Member*
Thread derail...

JD what has been the average price before the last couple years near you? Also, is most of your work clearing land for them? I always heard the farm land around you was pretty costly compared to other parts of the state. Last auction I was at the land (near Shelby) went for $8,800 an acre and it needed improvements.

Had been selling for $5-6000... Yes land clearing is what we've been doing. The ammount of tile going in the fields though is unreal. Farmers say there is at minimum a 50 bushel per acre diff from tiled fields to no tile fields...

I went way off topic. Carry on fellows...

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Interesting the OFB feels agricultural land should not be counted when determining the carrying capacity. As if modern farm practices aren't efficient enough! There isn't any land left un-tilled unless it a yet-to-be drained swamp, but tilled land is not to be counted as "habitat". Just makes me appreciate the wildlife loving landowners I know that much more.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Wow. I've known it for a long while that Tonk is nothing more than a puppet for OFB and Nationwide. this just goes to prove it. Many of the recommendations listed are exactly what he has been pushing for. To include the early muzzleloader season.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
By the way somebody save that PDF. Things like this have been known to disappear after we find it


Tatonka guide.
got it Joe...just noticed the date too ....2011...wow that's just after tonk started supposively asking about the early muzzeloader.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Thanks Eric. Yep. Right at the same time. If this isn't definitive proof they are pulling his strings I don't know what is. They ask for something once and he's trying to make it happen..

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My bet is they are using the OFB... the farmers, as the scapegoat. Deer do so little damage, I don't think farmers care nearly as much as Nationwide does. Just so happens it wouldn't be very popular for the DOW to say we needed to cut down the deer herd to make Nationwide even more profit, but it is perfectly fine to say we need to kill off the deer to save the "poor farmer". It's bull... I wonder how many farmers realize they are getting the rap to increase Nationwide's margins? I haven't seen any rate reduction in my policy. Guess they aren't passing the savings along to consumers. It gives me a lot less faith in the DOW, and even less faith we will ever see a rebound in the herd.


Tatonka guide.
And in even more puzzling news...kasich signed a bill this week that allows out of state landowners to not have to buy a hunting license...atta boy you fuckin retarded state reps..make it even harder for ODNR to fund themselves..maybe its this administrations goal to lessen the need for odnr buy wiping out the critters thus not needing people..


And in even more puzzling news...kasich signed a bill this week that allows out of state landowners to not have to buy a hunting license...atta boy you fuckin retarded state reps..make it even harder for ODNR to fund themselves..maybe its this administrations goal to lessen the need for odnr buy wiping out the critters thus not needing people..

I really don't have a problem with this one.

If you own the land, pay taxes on the land, and are hunting on your land, you should have the same benefits as any other landowner in my opinion.

Funding for the ODNR is a separate issue to me and should not be a determining factor in land ownership rights or privileges.


Junior Member
Central Ohio
My limited experience in hunting other states is that it doesn't usually work this way. If you are a non-resident, then you MUST buy a license whether you own land or not. So, why should Ohio be different from other states on this?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I have mixed feelings on the land owner deal. On one hand, they are paying taxes on it and should have some benefit to it. On the other hand, NR licenses are so cheap I don't see it being a big deal.