As a Steeler fan, I still have to give them props. Their defense is shaping up to be pretty damn good. I was really glad to see they didn't add Revis to an already solid secondary.
Seeing their struggles at finding a QB makes me really appreciate the solid seasons Big Ben has put up. Sure wish we would get him a line to let him work.
But, anyway... IMO the Brownies need to find a respectable veteran to run the show while grooming a young prodigy. Kind of like Favre did for Rogers, Bledsoe and Brady, Maddox and Big Ben, etc...
Even if that veteran only got you 7-9 or 8-8 it's still a good stepping stone while you let a young star learn and not rattle his confidence.
Too many times teams throw young QBs to the wolves and ruin any chance of development.
Jesus? What am I saying??? Screw the Browns!