I went up to Fayette this morning. I don't have any idea what's around, but there is usually a good one or two, and sometimes a GIANT. I needed a change of scenery.
There was a deer in the corn stubble in front of my stand before sunrise, no idea what it was. Saw a doe come from a mile away just as the morning gray broke, then another a short time later. About 830, 3 coyotes came along. I mouth-squeaked at them and they came close enough for a shot. Unfortunately, I shot for 40 and the yote was 35, that's enough to cause you to shoot right over 'em!
As I was gathering my gear at 9 to climb down, a young buck came chasing a couple of does around in circles. I had to get out anyway to get back to the shop this morning, so I crawled down after they were out of sight and went to get my arrow. As I stood up, another small buck popped out of a little woodlot, we looked at each other for a while, then we walked in opposite directions.
Not a bad couple of hours in the tree... I may do it again tomorrow!
The pics show the 3 yotes, and the last little buck I saw.