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Brock's deer hunts '12-'13


Junior Member
Saw a solid 145-150 as soon as my butt hit the seat. He looks young, but if comes closer, he's as old as he's gonna get! Took a pic but can't post it from my phone.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Here's Brock's buck pic. Dang nice one if you ask me!


brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
There are more Brock's in my head than I care to admit.

Had another awesome hunt tonight. Got in the stand, hung my bow, sat down looked around for maybe 5 minutes and saw the buck in the above poor picture. It was taken with my phone through binoculars. He is 205 yards from my stand. I grunted at him a couple of times and he looked my way but never entertained the thought of coming over. He flicked his tail and walked into the thicket you can see behind him. I figured by the way he acted he had a doe holed up in there, and just a few minutes after I lost sight of him I heard the most amazing buck fight I've heard in a few years. Complete with grunting, snarling, woofing sounds, brush breaking and big antlers smacking together. Sounded like they were trying to kill each other. I thought about putting the sneak on 'em, but opted against it as I would have 200 yards of open country to cover, and often when the deer do come out of that thicket they come right past my stand. Nothing ever came out.

With just a few minutes of shooting light left two small bucks came out of another thicket and fed 40 yards from me. They both walked within 3-4 feet of my trailcam without getting their picture taken! The smaller of the two is gonna be impressive in a few years, he has brow tines that are probably 6-7 inches now! Two more does came out of a crp field and were still feeding with the two small bucks as I crawled out of the tree. They were 300 yards or so by that time, so I made a clean escape. Hope to see them all again in the morning!

Thanks for posting the picture up Ric!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well, I was thinking when I started the account on my phone that I just used the name Brock on the forum...so anyway, I wound up with two accounts. :)


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Well, I was thinking when I started the account on my phone that I just used the name Brock on the forum...so anyway, I wound up with two accounts. :)

What account is the TROLL account lmao

Glad to see your boy is still stackin the dead deer up Brock. I'm also glad to see you have some shooters showing up during daylight hours. Good luck and I hope you and Mason can knock um down.


You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
No prob Brock! I'd take a sit like that any ole day! Love to hear them fight, especially two big ole bruisers!

Good luck in the morning!!!

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

I got skunked this morning for only the third time this season. I didn't really get skunked I guess. I saw a dandy buck about half a mile from where I park my truck in the headlights, and I had two deer grunting and running around before it was light enough to see my own hand! Man, it was dark this morning. Those deer were around me about 605 or so, and I never saw or heard another thing all morning. I headed home about 11, and saw one doe out in a field on the trip. Back at it in the morning, maybe.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
(154) I saw one small buck that was following a doe...that was being followed by the big red coyote and his buddy. I really wish they would have come closer. I've seen that red yote several times now on the same trail. I'm gonna leave a necklace hanging there for him after gun season. Maybe someone will get lucky and kill him with a gun, but I'm sure I'll get a yote or two off that trail anyway. I saw two more does on my way out. Seems there is less sign back at the creek crossings, and I've been seeing fewer deer. May be due to the fields being plowed and the deer having moved on to where there is food.

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
(157) I went to Ross Co. this morning in hopes of filling one of my antlerless tags. I haven't been in the stand on this farm this season, so I was excited to have a sit. At around 8 I saw a nice young buck coming. I snapped a few pics of him at 5-10 yards. He is a really good looking buck, perfect 10 with great mass, just hasn't got enough years on him yet.

About 9:00 a couple of does came along. After the usual tap dance waiting to get a shot and trying not to get caught, I finally got a chance at one of them. I shot her at about 10 yards, she ran maybe 50 or so and laid down. I waited an hour, got down and checked my arrow. It was broken with the back half still in the deer. I didn't see any blood, but I walked over to where I saw the doe go down and could see her laying there. I wasn't really trying to be sneaky or anything and when I got within 30 yards or so, she took off! I couldn't believe it. I saw where I hit her, and watched her go down an hour before yet there she went...running! She went into a brushy draw. I could see blood sprayed all over the place from where I stood, so I thought I'd ease along and see what was up. The blood trail from where I jumped her was unreal, sprayed everywhere! I had gone into sneak mode and made it about 20 yards when I heard her flopping around in the ravine. I eased on over the edge and found her dead. WEIRD! I hit her well, left her an hour, and still jumped her up only to have her pumping blood out like a spigot.

Was a fun morning! Heading out to trim a few shooting lanes for the big day tomorrow.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
Brock glad you connected and got good use out of that tag.... that was really weird how that went down.... think she was filling up with blood while she was down they blew it out on the mad dash? Congrats and hope too see a good buck down tomorrow with your tag on it....

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Here are pics of the entrance and exit. Notice the back half of the arrow is still hanging out of the deer. Hard to believe she got up and ran after an hour, but she did. Thankful I found her. When I jumped her, I actually said "If I lose this thing, I'm done with bows!"

The buck is very lucky I really treasure my buck tag, or I'd have been done for the year.


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brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Brock glad you connected and got good use out of that tag.... that was really weird how that went down.... think she was filling up with blood while she was down they blew it out on the mad dash? Congrats and hope too see a good buck down tomorrow with your tag on it....

I have no idea what to think J. I've never seen that happen before, and hope I don't see it again. Just glad it worked out OK.


Senior Member
good work brock....Looks like a good doe...That shot is perplexing to me as well...Looks good....But the only thing I can come up with is at that angle your entry was low resulting in exit going below the left lung, or maybe just knicking it..resulting in only a one lung hit...WHen she ran and layed down she probably clotted....Which is what kept her alive...When she got up and took off the clot broke and it allowed her to bleed out...

Lee lakosky refuses to hang any of his stands over 20 or 22 feet(i think thats the number) because he says the higher you get the likely hood of getting two lungs on close shots goes down dramatically.

Not criticizing at all though...Just trying to put out ideas as to maybe why she didnt die rt away... I honestly dont think I would have aimed any different..

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sounds like as good a guess as any, Zach. I hit where I aimed, guess I should have aimed higher. She was pretty close, and I am learning it's a shot I'm not crazy about! This stand is only about 16 feet, but still as is evident by the holes, the angle was fairly steep. I should stick to shooting 'em at a distance. :)