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Buckmaster's Hunting Log

Huckleberry Finn

Senior Member
I'm back from camp. Just Scott and I in camp attendance this past weekend. I guess we're the camp die hards because the others stayed home.
In all a successful weekend. We saw 40 deer combined, 19 and 21 deer respectively. We had 5 sightings of 120-130" class bucks and could have killed 3 of them. The better bucks were on their feet this weekend and moving during all hours of the day. I did see one mature buck this weekend with a sagging gut. He was at 100 yards following does. No updates on "The Slob". He hasn't been seen in 2 weeks even on camera in his favorite field. As I move into gun season mode my priority has shifted to taking a nice buck or one with character. I hope I can still maintain my "hold out" composure with a gun in my hands. I won't be back out there until opening day. It's time to take a break, get caught up at work, and complete my home building project.

Sounds like a plan, Ben! You're a TC man, correct?

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Good luck Ben. Remember, some of the year's best hunting is AFTER gun season. If you have set your standards, stick to 'em!


Senior Member
Thanks for your best wishes fellas. Good luck to all of you as well. There will be lots of deer blood shed at camp next week. Since the prime rut period is almost over the guys will resume filling their doe tags. We have 5-6 in camp attendance next week so I can fully expect about 4-5 does taken along with 2-3 bucks in the mix. Piney Creek will be running red soon.

I may try a new tactic this year by sitting up on top an old railroad tressel this year within a 200 yard creek bed pinch point. The deer have no where to go accept between the two rail road tressels with a creekbed in between the two. I'm going to scout it out on Sunday morning and assure I can climb the rocks to access the top clearing out any nearby bruch that may be an obstacle once I reach the top. With a little luck the .50 cal Encore should echo through the hills once.


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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Them Encores are bad ass! Ron loves his! I agree with Mike, high vantage point overlooking a pinch point with an Encore makes for a deadly setup. IMO, I'd set up a blind up there and brush it in so's rain or cold wind doesn't keep you from hunting all day. Just sayin'!

Good luck Ben


Senior Member
Round One of Gun Season is now completed. We had 8 hunters in camp this past week rotating in and out depending on how their work schedules were dictated.
In the end Six deer died this past week. We were able to break newbie Shawn in with his first 4 point buck. It was a pleasure in watching him struggle field dressing that deer. It would make any butcher proud.

I managed to take two anterless deer over the week to top off my freezer. It was nice pulling the old Mossberg of out the closet. That gun still gets it done. This winter I'll have plenty of venison for my sausage making hobbies.

Our camp count for the year remains at 3 bucks and 11 anterless.


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You know what!!!
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Thanks for sharing Ben, it's been a very productive season for you and your group this year so far. Good luck in filling your buck tag.


Senior Member
Good luck in filling your buck tag.

I may not need too since I have 4 in the freezer. That's a good thing. Holding on my buck tag keeps me flexible in my hunting and it also keeps me out in the woods.
All I've seen this season is 5-6 120" 8, 10, and 12 pointers and the 180" Slob twice. He's not been seen by person or camera in one month.

Buck Tag soup doesn't taste so bad. I'm getting used to it. My last buck kill was 2009.


Staff member
Seems like a ton of dead antlerless deer for a relatively small portion of ground. I assume the numbers are still high in your area? If you begin to see a decline, will you cut the number of Piney Creek invites?


Senior Member
Seems like a ton of dead antlerless deer for a relatively small portion of ground. I assume the numbers are still high in your area? If you begin to see a decline, will you cut the number of Piney Creek invites?

If it came to needed fruition we'd just add some higher restrictions on the annual take. The district wildlife biologist recommends 14 anterless deer removed annually on our parcel. We've been in consultation with them against our overall management plan. Deer are like mice in our area. We are fortunate for that.

Basically, one doe harvested per 10 acres will keep things in check.
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Senior Member
Doe 1-6-12.jpg6 muzzy hunters in camp this past weekend. 3 deer taken 2 does and a 10 pointer. We registered deer 15, 16, and 17 for our camp for this season. Our new camp record. I did see two shooters together yesterday at 3:30. I watched them for 15 minutes move 15 yards. They had two options; proceed down the logging road toward me offering a 30 yard shot OR going thru the thick brush. They chose the latter and left me with a marginal shot thru the brush; I missed. 15 minutes later 3 does cam thru. I took one at 60 yards. 3 minutes later I hear a report from the other end of the property. Scott filled his buck tag with this 10 pointer. It's nice to know I have 2 of my 3 shooter bucks accounted for for the 2013 season.