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Cabin and solar...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
I went to the cabin to pick up some guns, tools, and to look for the turkeys that filled the backyard today. No luck on the turks...they were already all gone. Snapped a photo and loaded the ones from another computer.



Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
That is a new "prototype" solar that we are trying up on the roof. Here are some pics of the other we built:



Senior Member
Is that a friggin cell tower or just a big antenna? Wireless?? Do you talk to the Pentagon with that thing?

Sweet cabin, I'm jealous man! Esp with the 3 car garage out there!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
OK, just to be clear. That is not my property...yet. It is one of my parents. I did build about 25% of it though and helped with another 50%. They are talking about building another cabin on another property and I would buy this one. If they don't I will still end up with it because that has already been decided. Siblings are city slickers ;)

The barn is on my place. I will post a pic of my house somewhere later. I live in a humble 4bed 2 bath ranch on the edge of town (Sunbury). The barn is from the early 1900's. The guess is 1908 by some stuff we found. It has been retrofitted with some newer hardware.



Senior Member
Supporting Member
Central Ohio
That's some pretty cool stuff. Have you guys collected any data on energy cost savings, or when your break even point would be for something like that? Just curious.

I'd cover my roof in solar panels, and throw a wind turbine in my backyard if it generates enough energy to cover costs, and possible sell some back to the electric companies.

The company I work for continues to invest resources into the solar industry, and although the technologies keep advancing, there's just not that much real solar business to be had out there yet. It's definitely coming, but who knows when...


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
Did you have some guy that works at the UPS store working with you on this project. I noticed you said "we built". I sold a bunch of parts to a guy that was doing something very similiar, just wondering if you where part of the group?


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
The payoff was within a year for him. We built everything from scratch down to the PC boards. I have to be straight and say that I was mostly the gopher on this project. My Dad is...well...a freakin genius. Tested and everything :smiley_chinrub: I have learned alot from him but he is tough to work with. He is currently working on a project for NASA in his spare time. He was self taught and I believe if he were to have the higher elite education nothing would have held him back.

No one helped us Hoyt. We did haunt some forums for advice.

TreeMonkey I live on the last street in Sunbury towards Centerburg off of Route 3.
