Active Member
Looks like a bunch of 3D targets and Shitka apparel again today
https://www.camofire.com/index.php/Looks like a bunch of 3D targets and Shitka apparel again today
Mystery Ranch was one of the first companies to jump on board offering aftermarket pouches and such for the molle system. The price back then was above market and I pretty much forgot about them until you posted. 15 years ago everything was made to order. They possibly were the first people to offer the built in straps over the tabs. I have a few pouches still and they work all these years later. Quality gear and used to be very specialized. The market has stepped up, so I can't speak for today's gear. They could have fallen behind or continue to lead the way, not sure.
That explains why I lost track of themThey got into the real estate business with the wrong partner who sued their ass off and bankrupted them.
I carried them in my store but never carried one personally. People seemed to like them I just never gave them a chance honestly. Kinds like a Spiderco, never tried them either. Fine knife and loved by many. Just never caught my fancy. I gifted my dad both brands though and he carried the Boker for probably 15 years.
@giles you have any experience with those Boker knives? Never heard of them before.