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catfishin help


Junior Member
ok so my minny trap got sabataged by someone so im back to using liver. everytime i use it plain i get bites but almost everytime they strip it off even if i tie it on. ive tried the pantyhose idea and have never had one bite like that. so my question is how do i keep it on the hook and still catch fish?

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
Supporting Member
Hardin County
I'm sure Uglykat will chime in on this one, he is the resident catfishing expert. I've never done any catfishing with anything but nightcrawlers, so I'm no help here.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
ok so my minny trap got sabataged by someone so im back to using liver. everytime i use it plain i get bites but almost everytime they strip it off even if i tie it on. ive tried the pantyhose idea and have never had one bite like that. so my question is how do i keep it on the hook and still catch fish?

Take a bobbin of sewing thread with you.. After you put the liver on the hook take about a foot of the thread and wrap it around the ball of liver. No need to tie it on. Just hold the end of the thread to the top of the hook by the eye and wrap it all around the liver. It will stay.. bluegill may pick at it but they can;t get it off, and it will last for multiple strikes on those cats that hit it and spit it out..


Junior Member
ok ill try the thread i used fishin line but it doesnt seem to work very well, someone told me to use gause and dunk the whole thing in the liver container, but i thought gause was thicker then pantyhose. if anything ill snag that bluegill and use it as bait


Dignitary Member
Staff member
ok ill try the thread i used fishin line but it doesnt seem to work very well, someone told me to use gause and dunk the whole thing in the liver container, but i thought gause was thicker then pantyhose. if anything ill snag that bluegill and use it as bait

Line doesn;t work because it's too stiff and is designed not to have a curl memory. It comes unraveled by itself.

Thread is very flexible and stays put.


Junior Member
gotcha, yea ill try the thread tonight when i go, the spot i fish is a creek so the current kinda helps pull the liver off to amongst with snappers pickin at it and of course the bowfin that pick and pick till its all gone and you dont even know theyre eatin it
there is stuff that steel head fisherman use called magic thread , wrap it a few times at the top of the hook then wrap the liver and at the bottom of the hook wrap a few times and pull tight then cut , it hold longer then seweing thread and no need for knots , or just get ya some shad cats love shad , i have made 75 yard throws using magic thread , seweing thread tends to slip , and the magic thread is just as cheap as sewing thread


Junior Member
ok thanks ill have to look for some, the only problem with shad is the only placeclose to me to catch them they dont really start moving for about another 2 weeks, ive always had real good luck on blue gill


Dignitary Member
Staff member
there is stuff that steel head fisherman use called magic thread , wrap it a few times at the top of the hook then wrap the liver and at the bottom of the hook wrap a few times and pull tight then cut , it hold longer then seweing thread and no need for knots , or just get ya some shad cats love shad , i have made 75 yard throws using magic thread , seweing thread tends to slip , and the magic thread is just as cheap as sewing thread

Sewing thread works the same and costs a fraction of the price. You don't have to tie it, just wrap it like you would the other stuff. :)


Junior Member
ok closest gander mtn is in canton im bout 45 min from there so ill prolly use thread, that prolly explains why i caught the 6lb channel on the liver and my fish ohio channel on a bluegill, forgot they dont eat much till after spawning.