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Changes ahead


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I also think our state needs to go back to checking in tag system, instead of having hunters call in tags. I think there are people out there that kill 2 or 3 deer without tagging. The new system makes it very easy to cheat the system. I know poacher will always cheat, but I think even the more honest hunter sometimes take advantage of the new tagging system. "shoot a deer put a temp on it, get it home, bone it out and keep the tag"

Guarantee that's what the Amish would of done if I hadn't caught them on my land with a poached doe. They had a temp tag on it but I made him give me his tag, then I checked it in and took it.


Guarantee that's what the Amish would of done if I hadn't caught them on my land with a poached doe. They had a temp tag on it but I made him give me his tag, then I checked it in and took it.

That's another good point, a lot of counties with big decline in deer population are heavily hunted by amish. People on here can say what they want, but they kill anything on 4 legs and will go anywhere they want.

My cousin and I go to Kidren to sell hay and I have had several conversations with Amish telling me they killed double digit deer in the area. a lot of them use property tags, but the deer are not taken on the property and each family has 10 kids, you do the math lol.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
That's another good point, a lot of counties with big decline in deer population are heavily hunted by amish. People on here can say what they want, but they kill anything on 4 legs and will go anywhere they want.

My cousin and I go to Kidren to sell hay and I have had several conversations with Amish telling me they killed double digit deer in the area. a lot of them use property tags, but the deer are not taken on the property and each family has 10 kids, you do the math lol.

Hell no they ain't taken on their property, they've already killed off all the deer on their land so they move the slaughter elsewhere.


Senior Member
Supporting Member
I also think our state needs to go back to checking in tag system, instead of having hunters call in tags. I think there are people out there that kill 2 or 3 deer without tagging. The new system makes it very easy to cheat the system. I know poacher will always cheat, but I think even the more honest hunter sometimes take advantage of the new tagging system. "shoot a deer put a temp on it, get it home, bone it out and keep the tag"

So us Ohio hunters are more unethical than the other states that have had telecheck longer with no problems?

Please tell me another one....lol

Let's see temporary tag, call in to check, or go somewhere to check. Yup so much easier to chat the system....lol

If you are going to cheat the system both are ridiculously easy to beat, especially when there is only one game warden per county.

In fact the reason less deer are being checked ISN'T because there are less deer, you are all wrong. It's because enough aren't being checked in appropriately that's it!

Who cares that it actually allows more access to hunting because there were some counties that you couldn't hunt in because there were no available check stations. Or that it's cheaper for the state to man a phone line than paying someone to check in deer.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
It states on the deer tag itself, that it must be filled out with the county/date/time of the kill immediately. Anyone dragging anything out of the woods without this done is in violation.


spencerville oh
It states on the deer tag itself, that it must be filled out with the county/date/time of the kill immediately. Anyone dragging anything out of the woods without this done is in violation.
Yes but with being able too print your own and calling them in, all you need is a temporary tag with that info on it. Then once its home its deboned in the freezer and then that tag is throwed away. Then they go to the desk drawer and grab another tag and still have a clean tag to kill the next one. I know this happens a guy shoots three or four deer a year on one tag. Because its that easy. I agree the tagging system is flawed. And I also agree a poacher will poach no matter what but it is a lot easier to get away with the system the way it is.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
Yes but with being able too print your own and calling them in, all you need is a temporary tag with that info on it. Then once its home its deboned in the freezer and then that tag is throwed away. Then they go to the desk drawer and grab another tag and still have a clean tag to kill the next one. I know this happens a guy shoots three or four deer a year on one tag. Because its that easy. I agree the tagging system is flawed. And I also agree a poacher will poach no matter what but it is a lot easier to get away with the system the way it is.

I guess I'm lucky enough to surround myself in better people than that. If I knew it was happening, I'd make it stop. That guy is stealing from all of us that actually care.


spencerville oh
I guess I'm lucky enough to surround myself in better people than that. If I knew it was happening, I'd make it stop. That guy is stealing from all of us that actually care.

I agree and I do surround myself around ethical hunters. But you would be surprised my friend, and believe me Dow knows it happens if you don't think so then your sadly mistaken.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I would imagine they (DNR) already had the bean counters figure up a % of total hunters who'd be dishonest about it.....

But if there's more then 10% I'd be surprised....


spencerville oh
I would imagine they (DNR) already had the bean counters figure up a % of total hunters who'd be dishonest about it.....

But if there's more then 10% I'd be surprised....

I would say that would be close . But how many are those 10 % killing? All I'm saying is they have made it pretty easy to do with the way a person can obtain a tag a record their kill.


Cull buck specialist
Supporting Member
My point was, if you know of someone doing this. It's your job to do your part by turning them in. If you don't your no better. ODNR can't do their job without our help.

I agree, it does seem pretty easy to cheat the system. I'd be an idiot to think it doesn't happen.

It also seems that a lot of people don't realize that you need to fill out your tag along with the temp tag. You'd be amazed at how many don't know that. These are good honest people that just didn't read that part.

It takes a real crook to go through and make copies of the original. I don't see your average guy going that far in thinking ahead. The guy that does was already bending the rules before this tele system.


Git Off My Lawn
Supporting Member
North Carolina
I would say that would be close . But how many are those 10 % killing? All I'm saying is they have made it pretty easy to do with the way a person can obtain a tag a record their kill.

That's a good question.... I'd say it was a safe bet, more then one lol....


Junior Member
East Ohio
I also think our state needs to go back to checking in tag system, instead of having hunters call in tags. I think there are people out there that kill 2 or 3 deer without tagging. The new system makes it very easy to cheat the system. I know poacher will always cheat, but I think even the more honest hunter sometimes take advantage of the new tagging system. "shoot a deer put a temp on it, get it home, bone it out and keep the tag"

Oh so True! Tonko eliminated the check stations to reduce overtime pay to officers who would pickup the numbers at the check stations on overtime. I wonder if he would be so kind to publicize the money being paid to the tele chek contractor and who the contractor is related to in state government?
I sincerely believe the check station numbers were far closer to the real number of deer killed in Ohio. The amish population has exploded in Ohio and when there are 10 sons, no doubt, most of those deer killed during the "yout season" are not telechecked due to the lack of telephones. Of course that's a perfect excuse for not reporting the deer but no doubt 90% of the amish do have cell phones. Dont forget, the amish youts do not buy licenses and deer tags hunting on amish property.
I hear too many shotguns the night before "yout season" and its not 6 year old kids killing monster bucks with a 12 gauge.

Tonko has no clue as to how many deer are killed. Is there anything wrong with the wo's counting road kills along interstates once a year? to build some statistics? Maybe the WO's should be picking on Non residents counting deer killed on leased properties where ohio hunters are excluded and if they are telechecked before the deer carcass "heads" out of state.

Bring back metal tags!
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Senior Member
Supporting Member
Metal tags went out because of the cost...straight from an DOW mouth. I even suggested that they offer them for sale if you wanted to to make up for the cost....


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
It all comes down to, too many deer in the minds of DOW, salaries, overtime cost. I'll bet that the internet check in is done out of state by a 3rd party and it isn't cheap. Shouldn't be too difficult or expensive to write a program and do it in house with no real labor cost. Just press a button once a day for results even no one is needed to press a button.


Staff member
So us Ohio hunters are more unethical than the other states that have had telecheck longer with no problems?

Please tell me another one....lol

Let's see temporary tag, call in to check, or go somewhere to check. Yup so much easier to chat the system....lol

If you are going to cheat the system both are ridiculously easy to beat, especially when there is only one game warden per county.

In fact the reason less deer are being checked ISN'T because there are less deer, you are all wrong. It's because enough aren't being checked in appropriately that's it!

Who cares that it actually allows more access to hunting because there were some counties that you couldn't hunt in because there were no available check stations. Or that it's cheaper for the state to man a phone line than paying someone to check in deer.

I'm not really shocked by this response. However the VAST majority of people I know form rural areas, agree with what BigCountry said. Telecheck is a joke and people preferred going to check stations. Yes both are easy to cheat. The reason people enjoyed the check stations was due to it being a part of the process, a part that people looked forward to. There is a lot of truth in the statement that check stations kept people more honest than Telecheck. It seems counter intuitive, but I truly believed that based on my personal experience.
I also think our state needs to go back to checking in tag system, instead of having hunters call in tags. I think there are people out there that kill 2 or 3 deer without tagging. The new system makes it very easy to cheat the system. I know poacher will always cheat, but I think even the more honest hunter sometimes take advantage of the new tagging system. "shoot a deer put a temp on it, get it home, bone it out and keep the tag"

Guarantee that's what the Amish would of done if I hadn't caught them on my land with a poached doe. They had a temp tag on it but I made him give me his tag, then I checked it in and took it.

So us Ohio hunters are more unethical than the other states that have had telecheck longer with no problems?

Please tell me another one....lol

Let's see temporary tag, call in to check, or go somewhere to check. Yup so much easier to chat the system....lol

If you are going to cheat the system both are ridiculously easy to beat, especially when there is only one game warden per county.

In fact the reason less deer are being checked ISN'T because there are less deer, you are all wrong. It's because enough aren't being checked in appropriately that's it!

Who cares that it actually allows more access to hunting because there were some counties that you couldn't hunt in because there were no available check stations. Or that it's cheaper for the state to man a phone line than paying someone to check in deer.

I agree with Hedge, before mandatory or after telecheck the same people, families, offspring, etc. who didn't go past the temp tag check before aren't going to do it now. The problems IMO is the temp tag, re-printable tags, etc.. The other problem is a state that doesn't give two shits about someone killing extra deer which is clearly evident by the way your tags are printed LOL. States like Michigan, even though they are far from perfect, at least print off a permanent tag at the license sales place. You get caught with a tag on a deer that isn't properly punched out permanently you get in trouble. Sure there are always those that will cheat the system but at least the stupid temp tag thing isn't a license to haul a deer home and simply pull out one of your extra copies to take hunting later that same day.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I've got a question for you seasoned hunters (ie old farts who been killin deer since forever ago):

What were the bag limits and herd like back in the 60's / 70's / 80's / 90's?

I have no idea, and think it would kinda provide some backdrop for what we're dealing with here - I'd sure like to know so I could put it in perspective, just for my own curiousity.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Stark County
I've got a question for you seasoned hunters (ie old farts who been killin deer since forever ago):

What were the bag limits and herd like back in the 60's / 70's / 80's / 90's?

I have no idea, and think it would kinda provide some backdrop for what we're dealing with here - I'd sure like to know so I could put it in perspective, just for my own curiousity.

Read back a few pages, Frank chimed in on the herd back in the 60's and 70's.