If you get a Subaru over 100k (or near there), make sure that the timing belt has been replaced.
Other than that, I've put 38,000 miles on mine in about a year and a half. Got it with 114 and now at 151. Other than tires and front brake pads, I've done nothing to it other than change the oil. The AWD is great - if it sat higher off the ground, you could take it anywhere. The 2.5 Boxer is a hell of an engine and since most of them are manual, you really have good control over them. I get 27 mpg in town and do 34 on the highways. (I'm literally driving the car for free vs. what I'd be paying in gas alone in a truck)
For what it's worth, Consumer Reports and the like rate Subaru's extremely well for reliability and safety.
I'll probably always own one now....even the new ones are very well priced compared to the Toyota's and Honda's and beat the piss out of the anything "Detroit" makes. And gets 10 mpg better than the CRVs. Plenty of room with the seats folded down and then there are always the roof racks. There is a reason that Subaru sales were up 23% in 2013. Yes, they get stereotyped as gay and yuppy..