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Christmas buck!


Ragin Cajun.
So it went like this. We all got in the stands. Early before dark the boys said deer was blowing at them from the north woods. I said no way must have a doe close in heat but not ready. Does will blow at the bucks and run and hide trying to get the bucks off their ass. Seen it a few times.

It broke light and all was quite w Hb saying he seen 3 does. Just happen to have djs buck trailing but neither boy could get a shot. Hb had the smaller 8 and 40 yards and let him slip by as it’s not a shooter. It happens to walk to my guest and he thinks it’s the wide 8 and kills it. I see a doe cross then a spike. Later the young ten crosses. A doe comes out between me and dj and then the ten 2 minutes later trailing 4 minutes later I look that way and seen the buck before he crossed. Dj is on a T so I tell him if the doe crosses the next deer will be the ten and don’t shoot. There will be another buck after it. The doe crosses w the ten not far behind, then his buck steps out about 60 yards and boom, I heard him shoot. He text me saying “smoked” I told him good deal and asked all the questions..... how far, where did you aim, what was reaction and did you hear him crash. All was good but it was 8:30 and the property was “alive” so told him to sit and wait. About 40 minutes later, I tell him to go look for blood. 20 minutes pass and I text him “well”, he sends back looking for blood. I’m like wtf? Then he sends me this pic

I’m like not much blood but it’s pink and he put it behind the shoulders as he said he heart shot it. Waited another 10 minutes and he text me I’m looking for blood and only 30 yards in. Typically a double lung deer shot w a rifle will be 40 yards max. I text him I’m coming to look and getting the sick feeling in my gut. Drive down and park the atv and he meets me at the atv says he found him and he’s big. Whew, I can breathe now and we walk in and he went 30 yards then blood was gone as he made the death turn and was 10 yards to the left. We high five, hugged and told him I was proud of him and that I loved him...he did the same. Took a couple pics and told him go get the atv. He arrives and now it’s time to load him up. 1,2,3 and we don’t make it to the front rack. Again we try and get enough of him to keep him on and roll the rest. Strap him down and pulled up to his stand as Hb text and said don’t come his way. I figured he had deer and he did. The skinny 7 was dogging does all around him. We drove out to the corner of our crp and field, snapped some more pics and talked like grown men. Told him it was my dream growing up to have property and that I bought it for them and to never sell it. I got a little emotional and so did dj. Waited for Hb and Jarrid to arrive snd take pics. The rest is history. Thanks for all the congrats, it means a lot.
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