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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Well, Kody is asking for a deer target for Christmas. All I have right now is a block.
I suggested that or one of those wrap around buddy stands that I've seen on the Sportsman Guide website.
You guys ever see or use one of those buddy stands? It has great reviews. Just wondering what your thoughts may be.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
My thoughts would be to give me a PM with your email and I can send you a list of buddy stands we have left in inventory. I am a Big Dog dealer. Big Dog is actually the second largest tree stand manufacturer in the country. Many of the ones at Gander Mtn, Sportsman's Guide, Menards, Walmart, etc, are basically Big Dog stands remarketed under the store's branding. Ex. Gander Mtn "Guide Series" is Big Dog. Just a thought. Gives us an excuse to meet up and BS anyway. If I don't fill my doe tag by Sunday (and time available to hunt is limited) I might be taking a trip with the muzzle loader south to fill it anyway.


Senior Member
If you are going to get a target go ahead and do yourself a favor and get a rhinehart the spike buck is 200 dollars but will last 10x as long as the others