Don't get me started on unions. In the last 53 yrs. I worked for 2 unions and both screwed me over.
1st union got a drunk caught sleeping on the job back to work after being fired 6 months with full 6 months wages as 'we have to have to watch after our follow brothers and sisters'. I told them bull and fire the bad one ones and hire good ones. I almost got fired over that.
The 2nd AUW union took union strike dues out of my check the 1st week I worked and wasn't a union member for I believe 90 days. And was told 'if you want to keep working just shut up and go back to work'. The union kept taking the money for 90 days before I was a union member.
I buy what ever is best for the value for my family. It's my hard earned money and I try to get the most for it.
I drive a 2003 Nisson 350Z with 23K miles.
2007 Ford Taurus with 90K.
2006 Ford 250 diesel crewcab with 115K and it's been a work house. Only had to install fuel injectors and high pressure oil pump the drives the fuel injectors plus tires and breaks. Most of the miles are pulling a 24 ft. heavy loaded car trailer with our gunshow supplies. Son just bought a new for Ford 350 diesel crewcab.
If I can't get 10 yrs. with proper up keep and 100K miles I feel I've been cheated.
1st union got a drunk caught sleeping on the job back to work after being fired 6 months with full 6 months wages as 'we have to have to watch after our follow brothers and sisters'. I told them bull and fire the bad one ones and hire good ones. I almost got fired over that.
The 2nd AUW union took union strike dues out of my check the 1st week I worked and wasn't a union member for I believe 90 days. And was told 'if you want to keep working just shut up and go back to work'. The union kept taking the money for 90 days before I was a union member.
I buy what ever is best for the value for my family. It's my hard earned money and I try to get the most for it.
I drive a 2003 Nisson 350Z with 23K miles.
2007 Ford Taurus with 90K.
2006 Ford 250 diesel crewcab with 115K and it's been a work house. Only had to install fuel injectors and high pressure oil pump the drives the fuel injectors plus tires and breaks. Most of the miles are pulling a 24 ft. heavy loaded car trailer with our gunshow supplies. Son just bought a new for Ford 350 diesel crewcab.
If I can't get 10 yrs. with proper up keep and 100K miles I feel I've been cheated.