The difference between what you are all talking about is state or city government vs. Cleveland Metroparks. A prime example is the Cleveland Metroparks golf courses which used to be run by the City of Cleveland which became run down when the City was managing them. Numerous beautiful courses all being managed by the Metroparks now. Same scenario as Edgewater Park and I believe the other boat ramps that the Park System took over a number of years ago from the city. If you would have seen what the Edgewater Beach looked like a few years ago, you would not have wanted to go there, let alone take your kids there. There was a massive cleanup of the beach and surrounding area. The sand was all screened/cleaned etc... Long story short, it is a huge difference, and I don't mind one bit chipping in to help keep the ramps and surrounding areas maintained. 100% of the proceeds will go into lakefront improvement projects.
Purchasing Cleveland Metroparks Boat Launch Passes. *UPDATE: Due to extensive feedback we are working on a system to allow online puchase of annual tags this year, as well. Additional details will be forthcoming soon.* Boaters are now able to purchase the annual passes for the Cleveland Metroparks boat launches. Currently locations that are selling them are the E55 Marina and Lakefront Administration building. Wildwood Marina (opened April 28), Emerald Necklace Marina (opens May 12), Edgewater Pier (open weekends in May then daily after Memorial Day) and Edgewater Beach House (opened May 1) will also have passes for purchase once they open for the season respectively. Only boats with trailers will require a pass and info is as follows:
$25 - Seniors (60 and up) & Military Veterans - with valid identification
$30 - Residents of Cuyahoga County and Hinckley Township - with valid identification
$35 - non-residents
Annual pass is valid for all Metroparks owned boat ramps and are good until 12/31/19. Daily passes ($5) will be available once the onsite machines arrive and are installed, approximately mid to late May (you will require a credit cards for machine purchase). Enforcement will only begin after onsite machines are installed at Edgewater, Gordon Park (E72nd), Wildwood and Rocky River (Scenic Park) boat launches.