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Clickin on them Google Ads


Senior Member
I clicked on the northamerican hunter thing yesterday and signed up my buddy for free crap. I hope it ticks him off when he gets all the papersrotflmao


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Officially, i can not ask you guys to click on it for the purpose of helping us pay the bills... It would be a violation of the Google ads Terms of Service... But if you see something you like, then obviously feel free.. :) I'm just happy the damn thing is more hunting related, and not garage door and window related. lol I don't particular like it there, but the revenue helps pay the bills and build the kitty. So thanks for being understanding.. :)


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It's funny about that ad stuff - I dont know how it works but sometimes ads come up for places I just visited or sites like the ones I've just visited.
I know I'm being cyberstalked by advertisers and I've just come to accept it.
I got nothing to hide.
And like I said, I've hit on a couple of good ads.
Being a sales/marketing guy, I'm always intrigued.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
It's funny about that ad stuff - I dont know how it works but sometimes ads come up for places I just visited or sites like the ones I've just visited.
I know I'm being cyberstalked by advertisers and I've just come to accept it.
I got nothing to hide.
And like I said, I've hit on a couple of good ads.
Being a sales/marketing guy, I'm always intrigued.

Yes.. Google cyber stalks the shit out of you.. In the internet world information and target marketing is king... They just got nailed in South Korea by their equivalent of the FCC. I'm talking kicked the door in and raided the headquarters. What they found out was the car that google has that drives around taking pictures for their street view. You know the thing on google maps where you can see images just like your driving down the road... Anyway that car was driving around capturing WI-FI signals in the air, cracking them, and scanning for what people were looking at on the net.. Which was against their FCC policy.. They raided the place, arrested everyone and boxed everything up.. The thing is google was doing this and hiding it with encryption.. Dumbasses.. They should have know South Korea probably the IT capitol of the world would crack their code and bust them..

Teh Google is watching you...


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
It's funny about that ad stuff - I dont know how it works but sometimes ads come up for places I just visited or sites like the ones I've just visited.
I know I'm being cyberstalked by advertisers and I've just come to accept it.
I got nothing to hide.
And like I said, I've hit on a couple of good ads.
Being a sales/marketing guy, I'm always intrigued.

So, how many porn site url links showed up on the google ad bar for you ? I didn't see you mention the number anywhere lmao.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
RC, porn is very, very rare for me, and I NEVER search for it, messes up your 'puter and my laptop is a company machine.

Clicking on porn links is like having unprotected sex with a hooker


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH

I thought I put a thread up about this in the broken crap forum but I must have forgotten to hit the reply button.

Anywho, can you make it so when you click the ad it opens a new window instead of taking you away from here? That makes since to me if you could. Also, more people would be apt to do it because it is easier (we are all lazy at heart) and if it is something we really aren't interested in then we can just close the window.

This is all moot I guess if you are wanting the site "visits" driven instead.



Senior Member
Anywho, can you make it so when you click the ad it opens a new window instead of taking you away from here? That makes since to me if you could. Also, more people would be apt to do it because it is easier (we are all lazy at heart) and if it is something we really aren't interested in then we can just close the window.

Right click, open in new tab.

(I only have four open right now. I normally have like 10)


Dignitary Member
Staff member

I thought I put a thread up about this in the broken crap forum but I must have forgotten to hit the reply button.

Anywho, can you make it so when you click the ad it opens a new window instead of taking you away from here? That makes since to me if you could. Also, more people would be apt to do it because it is easier (we are all lazy at heart) and if it is something we really aren't interested in then we can just close the window.

This is all moot I guess if you are wanting the site "visits" driven instead.


I know what you're saying and I wish that I could... However The all powerful google doesn't like that... Sucks...

Here is what they had to say about it.

"Keeping in mind the importance of the user experience, we generally have not allowed Google ads to open in a new window. However, in a few markets, including China, we've found that opening ads in a new window better aligns with expected internet behavior and provides a more consistent, intuitive user experience. After significant testing, we've enabled Google ads to open in new windows in locations where this is expected browsing behavior. This functionality is determined by the IP of the user, and is not an option you can select your AdSense account.

"We also ask that you don't modify the AdSense ad code or alter the result of clicking on an ad on your website, as such behavior violates our program policies." https://www.google.com/adsense/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=9737

That's a very polite way of saying no, and don't monkey with it, pal!


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Sunbury, OH
Right click, open in new tab.

(I only have four open right now. I normally have like 10)

I know how to do it but I was thinking towards the future. If they click on something and they go away, the chances are better that they might not come back.
