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cold shot


Active Member
judging by your shooting, I don't think losing arrows is going to be a problem either way. (y)

More so the after they've gone into the animal situation. The 2nd deer I killed with a recurve it took me two days to find the arrow and I needed help on Day 2. lol

brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Three. I’ve used three lighted nocks on deer. I don’t think that makes me an authority on the matter, but I do like to see them hit a deer. Nothing gay about that. It would be more savage if you did not project, Miller. 😁
I did not shoot today. Not a single arrow. I’m certain I’ll launch some tomorrow.


Senior Member
I try, but I'm a pretty lousy excuse for a savage. I'm more like "barbarously sophisticated". ;)

Hoping to get some shooting in today, myself.
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Old asshole the groundhog was out last night. I snuck out with a broadhead and a field tip, got out of the house unseen. I went to nock the broadhead and sit down the field tip arrow and the field tip arrow fell over behind the air conditioner. Spooked him hard, he gone. So my cold shot was a pass-thru on the 18-in-1 with a Zwickey from about 18.

Then I launched a few sin sticks at the bag.


brock ratcliff

Dignitary Member
Supporting Member

I couldn’t help myself. Had to shoot when I got home from work last night. First bunch from just under 20.
I’ve got animals to feed now. As soon as I finish that chore I’ll shoot a few more today. I shoot about every day regardless, but this cool front makes it seem more important.


Active Member
I marginally learned a new skill: serving a bow string. The serving on my Stalker had been wearing down. I didn't notice really until a little over a week ago, I drew back and noticed the arrow was barely nocked. I shelfed the bow and ordered a serving tool and some center serving. It's not the prettiest serving work, I'm sure, but it's working and holding up so far.

Cold shot from 18ish.



Senior Member
it's fun and convenient to be able to make and fix your own stuff. aside from sharpening broadheads and building/fletching arrows, twisting strings was the first archery equipment thing I learned to do. I'm not sure why more people don't make their own strings. it's pretty simple. for the cost of two strings, you can buy enough material to make 20.

Geezer II

Bountiful Hunting Grounds Beyond.
portage county oh
it's fun and convenient to be able to make and fix your own stuff. aside from sharpening broadheads and building/fletching arrows, twisting strings was the first archery equipment thing I learned to do. I'm not sure why more people don't make their own strings. it's pretty simple. for the cost of two strings, you can buy enough material to make 20.
Yep i make both continuous loop and flemish twist bow strings - noticed that olympic shooters use continuous loop - guuess it because of strech IDK


Senior Member
I don't either. I'll never be a good enough shot to ever find out, lol. Olympic archers are playing a much different game, though. noise and "drag through the bushes" ruggedness are of no concern to them. both are big deals to a bowhunter. I overbuild my stings just so they are quieter. 15 strand 3 ply D97 string doesn't stretch much, creep much, or make much noise. breaking strength around 1800 lbs. doubles as a short tow strap. :geek: