Most teachers are going to agree with you that it is stupid...
I know my wife absolutely hates it, along with other stupid mandates that are making her job ten times harder and more time consuming than it was a couple years ago. If they don't watch it, a lot of good young teachers are going to jump ship and find something else to do.
If I was just starting college, there is no way in hell I'd become a teacher. Not with all the horseshit going on.
I just finished up the adopting of the constitution and touched on the branches of gov't with my honors classes. The knew nothing about any of it! It's alarming.
We will be breaking down the const. after the next test. 10-14 years ago, the kids already knew the main parts of the const. because it was part of the 5th grade curriculum and time allowed it to be taught. Now, with so much emphasis on state tests, the kids I have coming through have no clue about it. Why? SS is not a tested area and it gets neglected.
Science is only tested every 3 years and it gets neglected as well. The system has created students who are not well rounded... not the teachers. If your evaluation depended on test scores, which subject would you concentrate on? The tested ones of course.
The whole system is flawed and needs revamped.