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Common Core?

DJK Frank 16

Senior Member
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Hardin County
I'm going to get arrested at a Parent Teach Conference in the future. I'll lose my mind over this kind of horseshit...

Most teachers are going to agree with you that it is stupid...

I know my wife absolutely hates it, along with other stupid mandates that are making her job ten times harder and more time consuming than it was a couple years ago. If they don't watch it, a lot of good young teachers are going to jump ship and find something else to do.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
I'm going to get arrested at a Parent Teach Conference in the future. I'll lose my mind over this kind of horseshit...

Just keep in mind that 99% of the teachers are set against this stuff and it is all being implemented by federal gov't and adopted by state gov't. Teachers have their hands tied because their evaluations depend on scoring well on the state tests which are now comprised of common core standards. I truly miss the days where I could teach things that mattered and would prepare kids for the next level.
With so much stress on these standards I have a hard time teaching my history class. It is all neglected at younger ages and these kids know absolutely nothing about American History.

you people that have kids in the elementary schools should know. How often do your kids have social studies assignments? Hardly ever I bet. But math and reading they have all the time. SS and Science are being neglected.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Most teachers are going to agree with you that it is stupid...

I know my wife absolutely hates it, along with other stupid mandates that are making her job ten times harder and more time consuming than it was a couple years ago. If they don't watch it, a lot of good young teachers are going to jump ship and find something else to do.

They don't care. I would bet they actually prefer the lazy, stupid, sheeple ones over the smart independent thinkers. Just look at how hard they protect the agenda pushing horrible ones and hang the good ones out to dry over simple things. Public education is more about early assimilation and societal indoctrination than actual education. Anymore it's largely just a place to feed and babysit kids while they make as much money as they can from the taxpayers.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Most teachers are going to agree with you that it is stupid...

I know my wife absolutely hates it, along with other stupid mandates that are making her job ten times harder and more time consuming than it was a couple years ago. If they don't watch it, a lot of good young teachers are going to jump ship and find something else to do.

If I was just starting college, there is no way in hell I'd become a teacher. Not with all the horseshit going on.

I just finished up the adopting of the constitution and touched on the branches of gov't with my honors classes. The knew nothing about any of it! It's alarming.
We will be breaking down the const. after the next test. 10-14 years ago, the kids already knew the main parts of the const. because it was part of the 5th grade curriculum and time allowed it to be taught. Now, with so much emphasis on state tests, the kids I have coming through have no clue about it. Why? SS is not a tested area and it gets neglected.

Science is only tested every 3 years and it gets neglected as well. The system has created students who are not well rounded... not the teachers. If your evaluation depended on test scores, which subject would you concentrate on? The tested ones of course.

The whole system is flawed and needs revamped.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
It's such a mess & I fear it'll only continue going down the drain. It drives me nuts when I'm at work, I'll throw out a history question to these up & coming nurses for the fun of it & it'll just boggle ya at what they don't know.
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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
The thought of home school has been approached in our home. Before we had kids? Heck no. Never. Not a thought. Things have changed a bunch in the last 13yrs. Home school for their protection is my current thought. Protect them from becoming dumb even if it means they have to work harder and so do we as the parents to do it ourselves. Pretty sad when I feel my wife and I can better prepare our kids for the future than the public school system.

NOT a knock against the teachers. They are just the pawns getting pushed around. There are some really great teachers out there. Just wanted to ensure this piont was made.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
I think the main resistance needs to come from the educators. Resistance from parents does nothing. There are plenty of YouTube videos that show this.


Junior Member
Central Ohio
I just found out yesterday that my first grade daughter is being taught this crap. The teacher called it regrouping. I told the teacher she can do her job, but at home we are teaching her the "right" way to add and subtract.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Up Nort
Give this a long listen. It's good.