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Compton Bowhunters Rendezvous 2024

Wiley E Coyote

Active Member
Come on up Switchhitter! The Preacher is camped next to us.
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Wiley E Coyote

Active Member
Back home today with another great family vacation behind us. Already looking forward to next year. If you like traditional archery you owe it to yourself to check this event out. Especially if you have kids or grandkids to take along. Very family friendly shoot with activities going on all weekend for everyone and the beautiful beeches of lake Michigan just ten minutes away. Compton Bowhunters do a outstanding job and my favorite part is meeting and hanging out with some of the best hunters on the planet. Folks from all over the country makeup this event. Okay I'm done till next year 😁😆 Fuck you Giles get your own bow😂🤣🤣
I had a great time there, this year! :cool: A hunting buddy and I shot 3 of the courses, looked through all of the vendor's tents and didn't see anything we couldn't live without. I bought a Compton t-shirt before I left. :)

I put my hands on several of the Black Widow one-piece recurves and gave some serious thought to buying one. :sneaky: They sure do have a smooth draw cycle and the wood lamination is gorgeous. 💯 I'm afraid if I would've taken one out on the practice range, it would've certainly followed me home. 😁