Don't know if ya noticed but I'm hooked again........ LOL.... I grew up running dogs as a kid in Mississippi. We ran Black and Tans for Coon and beagles for deer... (Yes running deer with dogs is legal in MS) Anyways, I got away from it when i was in the Army, and since i moved here i just never had the property to do it again... Started Bowhunting and am absolutely a bowhunting junkie. But..... But........ Hunting with dogs is like being an alcoholic... Sure you can quit.. But if you ever have another drop you'll fall right back off the wagon.
Kicked around the idea Yesterday and decided to sleep on it... Woke up this morning still with the fire... Now that I'm divorced i'll have more time to devote to a pup. I've always been good at training dogs and learning them... I've got a basset hound who I'm sure is sleeping on her couch as i type this. She doesn't even look at the other furniture, only her love-seat. Never howls, doesn't chew anything but her rawhide, and wouldn't piss in my house if it was on fire.. House broke her at 4 months. And will hold it 10 hours while I'm at work because she knows better than to drink too much water... And her water bowl is available 100% of the time.. Some people call em dumb, they're actually very intelligent... They aren't dumb, they just don't give a shit what you think. LOL.. You just got to understand them.
Anyways... I know me, and when i get on something like this, it's gonna be hard to shake it.... Especially come November when coon season rolls in and it's the rut... I don't see me getting much sleep.. Coon hunting by night and working or bowhunting during the day... I bet by next spring i got a dog box in the back of the truck with a pup in it. Dang.... I need another hobby like I need a hole in my head. Seriously though, never thought i would say it but my bow may be getting more hook time in the garage than i thought this year.....
Maybe i can smack a big one by the time coon season opens.. Wishful thinking..
Tell ya one thing though.. Being out at night with a headlamp running dogs is probably the best accidental scouting you'll ever do.. Especially when you send the hound in a woodlot after a coon and old mossy horns makes a break for it across the field.... Pull the dogs, give it a week and hang a stand... (I need to add Coonies little green smiley)