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Coon Huntin


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Don't know if ya noticed but I'm hooked again........ LOL.... I grew up running dogs as a kid in Mississippi. We ran Black and Tans for Coon and beagles for deer... (Yes running deer with dogs is legal in MS) Anyways, I got away from it when i was in the Army, and since i moved here i just never had the property to do it again... Started Bowhunting and am absolutely a bowhunting junkie. But..... But........ Hunting with dogs is like being an alcoholic... Sure you can quit.. But if you ever have another drop you'll fall right back off the wagon.

Kicked around the idea Yesterday and decided to sleep on it... Woke up this morning still with the fire... Now that I'm divorced i'll have more time to devote to a pup. I've always been good at training dogs and learning them... I've got a basset hound who I'm sure is sleeping on her couch as i type this. She doesn't even look at the other furniture, only her love-seat. Never howls, doesn't chew anything but her rawhide, and wouldn't piss in my house if it was on fire.. House broke her at 4 months. And will hold it 10 hours while I'm at work because she knows better than to drink too much water... And her water bowl is available 100% of the time.. Some people call em dumb, they're actually very intelligent... They aren't dumb, they just don't give a shit what you think. LOL.. You just got to understand them.

Anyways... I know me, and when i get on something like this, it's gonna be hard to shake it.... Especially come November when coon season rolls in and it's the rut... I don't see me getting much sleep.. Coon hunting by night and working or bowhunting during the day... I bet by next spring i got a dog box in the back of the truck with a pup in it. Dang.... I need another hobby like I need a hole in my head. Seriously though, never thought i would say it but my bow may be getting more hook time in the garage than i thought this year.....

Maybe i can smack a big one by the time coon season opens.. Wishful thinking..

Tell ya one thing though.. Being out at night with a headlamp running dogs is probably the best accidental scouting you'll ever do.. Especially when you send the hound in a woodlot after a coon and old mossy horns makes a break for it across the field.... Pull the dogs, give it a week and hang a stand... (I need to add Coonies little green smiley)


Senior Member
Sounds like you got a hell of a man crush on either the old guy or the dog...

Love to try that sometime, you'll have to post some pics (though I guess that'd be hard at night)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Sounds like you got a hell of a man crush on either the old guy or the dog...

Love to try that sometime, you'll have to post some pics (though I guess that'd be hard at night)

This guy has access on thousands of acres just 15 miles north of where the beady buck was shot, and 10 miles south of the Deer JD is posting pictures of.. The heart of Ohio big deer country. And these are properties that nobody has permission to but him....

IMO That's almost like being given a key to the gate at Tecomate..

Damn right I got a man crush...

Plus i forgot how much damn fun Coon hunting was..


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Running threw the woods in the dark getting slapped in the face with tree branches and sliced with briars while chasing after a pack of hounds is not how I want to spend the night.

Ever done much coon hunting behind dogs?

You don't run through the woods chasing dogs...

You let him out at the truck and stand around BSn and waiting for them to strike trail. And when they do they give you some courtesy barks while trailing. The dogs bark changes when he's treed... Then you just simply turn on your light and walk to the dog.. You can take your time.. The dog will be working that tree when you get there, he isn't going anywhere as long as that coon is up there. Ole Ben treed both times within 100 yards of the truck.

It isn't like rabbit or bird dog hunting.. It's easier than walking to your stand in the dark with a headlight. because you don't have to be quiet or anything.


Senior Member
Running threw the woods in the dark getting slapped in the face with tree branches and sliced with briars while chasing after a pack of hounds is not how I want to spend the night.

I've been out twice and this was my experience as well. The hunter had a $5K dog and 1,200 coon packed in his freezer so I thought this was the main way of doing things. I'd certainly favor and easy hunt over midnight wind sprints through the woods with a flashlight.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Don't get me wrong guys, I've seen a many straight line balls to the wall dogs. Owned one as a matter of fact when I was younger who somehow ended up across the Mississippi river in La.

I was amazed at how fast Ben struck trail and treed a coon. Old George is about 77 and he said "I'm getting to old for those kind of dogs.. I've been out when guys dump them out of the truck and listened to them run then tree almost out of hearing.. You can't tell me there isn;t a coon closer than that... There isn't any need for a dog to run way the hell out there like that before finding a coon. Once those other dogs would tree he would dump ben out the truck and he would tree withing 300 yards.

When you think abuot it it makes sense.. There isn't a reason in the world for a dog to run out there almost out of hearing before he finds a coon. Unless he's running a straight line and missing coon.. The little i could see of Ben working the timber he worked it like a bird dog. Covering more left right than distance. Coon don't run 3, 4, 500+ yards. They don't even walk that far in their nightly doings. Those dogs are flat out missing a bunch of coon and running a straight line... And to be honest, if they are baying while running long enough for you to chase after them for a long distance, they aren't running coon they're running trash like fox or deer and just happen to find a coon along the way. A coon will tree in 50-60 yards once found. If that dog gives you more than 5-6 bays and hasn't treed he's running trash.

Did that guys straight line dog cost 5,000 bucks. Probably. In field trials they run a laid trail. That scent drag is drug a long way with things to trip the dog up, creek crossings, fake trees, den holes etc. First dog to put feet on the wood at the end wins. Great for weeding out lesser dogs in trials.. Bad for actually hunting coon. Could a dog like that cost serous money, yes. But that don't make him a hunting dog. Makes him a field trial dog.. It's all in how they're trained.


Dignitary Member
Staff member
There's a season for these things.. lol What ya up to not this weekend but next?


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
There's a season for these things.. lol What ya up to not this weekend but next?

The same thing I do every weekend lol. Nothing in the late afternoon till bed except of course play on TOO ya know lmao.

I have one kid doing a softball game at 11am and another doing track but that's a TBA time. Should be good to go anytime late afternoon early evening.

What time ya wanting to hit it ? We could go just before dark so you guys can see what's what or just go off the maps I sent ya and hit it just after dark.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
last couple of days the dog has been goin' nuts sniffin around when we take her outside...
makes me think she's sniffin some trespassin critter...
might be time to fire up the trap again.
Don't wanna draw 'em in by puttin cat food out, but it might be time again.


Super Moderator
Super Mod
North Central Ohio
Set the trail cam out Dan. See what's running around out there before putting the trap to use and drawing unwanted attention if they aren't coming in yet.

Chances are they are coming in since it is mating season. They will be wondering all over the place...GO GET UM !!!


Junior Member
NW Ohio
Set the trail cam out Dan. See what's running around out there before putting the trap to use and drawing unwanted attention if they aren't coming in yet.

Chances are they are coming in since it is mating season. They will be wondering all over the place...GO GET UM !!!
Nope, Redcloud if you're referring to 'coon their mating season is in January. They have their kittens now...just sayin':D