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WTB Copper Water Pipe


Dignitary Member
Staff member
I'm looking for about 6 feet of 2 inch copper water pipe. Our cabin in SO has a short run that needs to be replaced that goes from the well pump outside the kitchen window to the sink. To keep it in tune with the old style i don't want to replace it with plastic. Thanks guys.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Gods Country
I will see what I can find Joe. Unfortunately most of the 2" copper pipe I run into is being cut out because it is corroded through. I know that the only way I can get it new is by buying a 20' stick. I just checked on line and you would be looking at $25 per foot. $25 x 20 = $500

That's alot of dough for 6 foot.


Senior Member
I'd say steal it, but they frown upon that!

I'd find some copper spray paint and do the plastic :)


Dignitary Member
Staff member
Any reason why it has to be 2"? That seems like a heck of a big water line.

It's a hand cranked water pump. Smaller would increase pressure and spray the water more than run the water into the sink. The pump was actually in the kitchen at one time right by the sink. But that part of kitchen fell in and was removed. Not it's about 5 feet outside. Rather than drill a new well, or rebuild that part of the kitchen The kitchen was just shortened, and a 6 foot section of pipe ran from the well to the sink.