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Cousin Bubba comes to Ohio


Senior Member
Centerburg, Ohio
Heck yeah way to go Phil and Bubba! Congrats!

Probably ten years ago I spined a button buck with a muzzleloader. It layed there thrashing it’s front legs around and just screamed. It was a pretty awful thing to see. I had one extra shot for my muzzleloader, loaded and missed. Had to sit in a tree for 20 minutes watching the poor guy before he finally expired. Hope to never witness anything like that again.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Hell yeah Phil, you're a deers worst nightmare this season! Congrats bubba!

Oh stop it! I don't need a big head. :p

I have been blessed. I'll admit that. It has been a great season. Did a write up about the "Old Man" and how he was a gift to me this year. I honestly thought that deer had died of old age. I knew it was a gift not to be taken for granted. When we are blessed we need to give back. Had nothing to do with my buddy Randy's buck. He did it all on his own while I was on the Veteran's hunt guiding. I was thankful he connected and I was able to assist in the recovery. I knew Bubba was coming and was hoping we could just get him some meat to take home. He has shot 2 bigger deer. One in KY, and one in NC where he lives. With a short window, I am just happy to see him get a pretty decent deer. This one fit the bill. If he comes back he can get pickier if he wants to. Just one buddy left to help get on a deer. It is going to be a challenge. He has a lot of medical issues and struggles to get to the stand. I'll do what I can for him.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
Got Bubba's buck in the cooler. Got the skull cap cut the way he wanted it. Pretty gnarly character at the bases. Consumed decent amount of whisky. Been a darn good time so far. Dogs are piled up. I think we are going to call it a day.


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