Of, you do know that you can just loop that snare around a tree or post instead of using the anchors. The anchors can be nice though when there is a lack of posts trees or other immovable objects. I'll make a thread tommorow with setting snares.
Alrighty now, I'm making headway. I have my snares, I've made up my anchors & now I just need to darken them. I've still have a yote coming thru my favorite spot, so I've deployed another cam in video mode today to study its pattern so I'll know where to hopefully funnel them thru ....
Ok , here we go. I went out this afternoon & set one snare. I had some more videos of a few song dogs passing thru a few nights ago. Because of the camera angle, I'm not sure exactly where they're traveling & one cam didn't pick 'em up. I'm trying to funnel them thru this blowdown & I scratched up the leaves a bit to draw their attention. I relocated one cam & set up a mms cam TOO, so I'm excited !