He'd be number 5 killed with a bow in Ohio. I had him weighed at the meat shop in town yesterday on their certified scale and it said 22 even, he felt heavier than that. It's his beard length that hurts him. I'm wondering if he had that beard rot, being only 9.25" and it was kind of pencil thin. I'm happy as hell with his pencil beard thoughA great write up buddy, I was glad you let me be apart of the hunt. Yes I learned a lesson, I will never tell you that "You'll hunt a long time before you ever kill one like that again", cause you made a liar out of me!!!!
You impress me most with the fact your doing all this with a stick and string.... CONGRATS again on another giant hooked long beard. By the way where does this one place if you register him Too?
This one's spurs are bigger, beard is 1.75" smaller than last year's. This one will probably go down as the greatest turkey hunt I've ever been on, not that I've been on very many in my 5 years but I just can't imagine it getting any better than this. Birds like him don't come around very often and to do it without a ground blind hiding behind a blow down was fuggin awesome!How's this one compare too last year's turkey?