If you left the premises of a dealer with a rented gun you would be subject to a background check.
Ohiosam *Supporting Member* 12,052 215 Mahoning Co. Sep 17, 2013 #21 If you left the premises of a dealer with a rented gun you would be subject to a background check.
Jackalope Dignitary Member Staff member 39,190 274 Sep 17, 2013 #22 brock ratcliff said: I didn't even know a person could rent a gun! This whole world is nuts. Click to expand... I've never seen anywhere where you could rent one and leave with it. Usually it's for range use.
brock ratcliff said: I didn't even know a person could rent a gun! This whole world is nuts. Click to expand... I've never seen anywhere where you could rent one and leave with it. Usually it's for range use.
brock ratcliff Dignitary Member Supporting Member 25,280 261 Sep 17, 2013 #23 They just wanted to say there was an AR involved somewhere. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
They just wanted to say there was an AR involved somewhere. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story.
Ohiosam *Supporting Member* 12,052 215 Mahoning Co. Sep 17, 2013 #24 I'm hearing unconfirmed reports that his shotgun was a side by side. Most media outlets won't openly retract that they wrongly reported it was an AR.
I'm hearing unconfirmed reports that his shotgun was a side by side. Most media outlets won't openly retract that they wrongly reported it was an AR.
Curran Senior Member Supporting Member 8,072 186 Central Ohio Sep 17, 2013 #25 brock ratcliff said: They just wanted to say there was an AR involved somewhere. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Click to expand... Bingo... that's all the sheeple need to see in the headlines too. They won't read the actual story to see that it wasn't an AR-15. The world is upside down.
brock ratcliff said: They just wanted to say there was an AR involved somewhere. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story. Click to expand... Bingo... that's all the sheeple need to see in the headlines too. They won't read the actual story to see that it wasn't an AR-15. The world is upside down.