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Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
This is just me - just me now - I'd taken the fishing trip in two seconds without blinking an eye.

Free? FREE!?! Hmmm....spend a week prime fishing or spend a few thousand hoping to see a deer like the ones we have here in Ohio? And hafta drive to Kansas to do it?

Now that's just my wallet talking there - but I also love to go north on week-long fishing trips with a bunch of guys and haven't been for a while and miss it. We're supposedly going to Canada this year.

Go fishing. It'll be warm. And you can drink more beer.


The Happy Hunting Grounds Beyond
Supporting Member
Ashtabula, Ohio
But Dan, just think how you would be probably the first ever guy from Ohio with a Kansas "Head In The Bucket" photo. :smiley_clap: Just sayin old buddy. :smiley_coolpeace:


Columbus, OH
I think I'd be doing the FREE fishing trip. If the hunting trip is going to cost 3K and you get 1K off. If you can spend 3K to hunt the paying full price at 4K isn't a problem. It also depends on what you will be fishing for and how the carter is ran.


Congrats on winning first off that's awesome! Secondly if it was me I would love to go and hunt Kansas, hunting is way better than fishing and I would take it over fishing anyday of the week. BUT I would much rather do something all paid for and not have to spend a dime than to have to spend another 3000 to hunt Whitetails. Idk it's completly you're decision but I love free more than I love hunting in this instant. I would see if I could trade the fishing in for a 3 day goose hunt in Kansas though! They got a later season and that would be a fun time TOO! They probally won't but hey it's worth a shot!