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Deer call


Junior Member
What is everyones favorite deer call to use. I got the brotherhood last fall and I hate it. Its cheaply made and not very authentic sounding, so Im looking to get a new one. So I would like to hear what has been successful for everyone.


Dignitary Member
Supporting Member
True Talker. Period.

Twice this past season the best "call" I used was a set of rattling antlers. Good sized pair. Called in two mature bucks. One was over 160" but wouldn't commit any closer than 75yds. The other is on my wall. That was all about timing though. Both events happened within 3 days of each other. (Might have been 2? Can't remember. Same week though.)
Flambeau 515 Mad Buck Growl Call

Very well constructed call as well as has what I would define as the perfect tone. I have called countless bucks in with this call many of which I have shot. I used to be very timid calling but after using this call I am the complete opposite. Some days I feel like I am almost playing a Cabela's video game or something but it works and I cant deny that. The "growl" has a very deep aggressive tone and I have found bucks got nuts for it.


"Happy Hunting Grounds in the Sky"
Supporting Member
SW Ohio
Over the years I've had great results with any grunt call. Then again I've had no results with grunt calls. I believe it depends on the mood of the buck at that time. Never have had any results from a doe call until 2014 when I turned a nice buck around during the rut and he walked right to me. Then I blew the shot.
At times I've had great results with horn rattling. The 2013 buck I shot was within 5 minutes of rattling and 2 buck came looking but the big 8 pt. didn't make it out. But at other times I've seen bucks and no amount horn rattling, grunting or doe calls will turn their head. Jut have something else on their minds.
So what am I saying? Deer grunt calls, doe calls (the can). and horn rattling all work at times, but not every time and I will continue to use them.
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