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Deer(dear) Diary.

I have started this on a archery forum I moderate aswell as another forum i am a member of.I figured i would post it on here.I am a little late at putting it one here.

This thread is going to be a series of installments chronicling my 2010 deer season efforts.I am not strictly a Trophy hunter.I am a hunter period.I follow my states game laws an regulations.An feel any animal taken within the rules is a trophy.An every hunt is a learning experience...
A little background

Let me give everyone a little background.I am almost 31yrs old married with a soon to be 5yr old son an a 1 yr old son.As well as another one on the way..I work part time as i am a stay at home dad the other part of the time.I have been into archery an an deer hunting since 2007.I have yet to kill a deer..Sadly i have missed a few.As well as passing on some less then desirable shots. I am self taught at hunting an archery with the exception of learning from the internet an magazines etc..
Equipment an preseason stuff

Pre season
I had been glassing the fields of a local farm i am allowed to hunt.Throughout most of the summer.I was seeing good numbers of deer an a few very nice bucks.The only issue i had was he allows just about anyone to hunt it..A week before the season opened i started thinking.Why not hunt my place??Sure its only 15 acres.An that is including the adjoining neighbors land.But there is no pressure..An i had always seen does around.I decided to check things out the day before the bow season opener..I checked a 2 person ladder stand i have at the far end of the area.I then checked a area that has been a bedding area in years past.I have seen deer walking a wood line to an from the bedding area in the evenings through out the summer...As i was looking for entry/exit trails..I jumped a mature doe.I was a bit bummed..I dont like the feeling ofl jumping deer the day before the season opens .Being that happened.I decided to put my pop up blind in that wood line about 40yrds from the suspected bedding area.I set the blind up at 10:30 pm that night.I felt this was the best time to set it..Even though setting a blind in the dark was interesting to say the least. I planned to hunt the my 2person stand at the far end opening morning an hunt the blind in the evening.I then double checked my backpack.My wife was telling me i better get to bed..Cause i was getting up early.An she didnt wanna here me complaining post season.bout not hunting enough etc..So I set the alarm clock.An tossed an turned all night.There was a cold front moving in an i hoped this would help the next days game movement.


2007 Bear Element HD 55 lbs,27.75in draw,
Gold tip expedition hunters 55/75...4.5in white wraps with predator vanes an 100 Grain Slick trick magnums
Copper john sights 3 pin .029 pins
Whisker biscuit arrow rest
SVL Sims Scoil XL Stab
Vortxx rotating 6 arrow quiver
Tru ball release

Weather conditions Friday Sept 24th
Mean Temperature 78 °F
Max Temperature 93 °F
Min Temperature 64 °F
Dew Point 62 °F
Average Humidity 65
Maximum Humidity 93
Minimum Humidity 29
Precipitation 0.06 in - - ()
Sea Level Pressure:
Sea Level Pressure 29.97 in
Wind Speed 7 mph (SW)
Max Wind Speed 21 mph
Max Gust Speed 38 mph
Visibility 9 miles
Sept 25th Opening day
The alarm clock goes off at 5am.Somehow i have been up for 15 minutes prior to it going off..Sunrise is at 7:16am an legal shooting light starts a 1/2hour before.I like to be in my stand or blind an settled in about a hour before legal shooting light..That did not happen this morning.Between waking up,having coffee,getting a shower , hopping on the laptop to check facebook an the weather(cold front) and double checking my gear.It was 6am before i walked out the door. To take the roughly 300yard trek to my stand on the far end of the hunting area,I made sure to put my safety harness on prior to heading out.Because there a real pain to put on in the dark.About 60 yards from my stand i hear a racket.I freeze!!!It ends up being two possums.I tend to freak out in the dark.I get to my stand an climb up the ladder. I sit an attempt to wrap my tree strap around the tree..Turns out this maple is to big for my tree strap.I decide to hunt with out the harness.Which i am against.But at this point i am caught in the moment.I decide to hunt with no harness.I WILL NOT stand up .All my hunting will be from a sitting position.If i get a shot on the trail i am set up on it will be under 20yrds.So sitting should be fine.Its about 50degrees at this point.Perfect!!!!The sun starts to rise an it is amazing.The sunrise in the woods of east central ohio this time of year is breathtaking to me.I enjoy my 5hr energy shot,mountain dew,an pop tarts as i sit.


I didn't even hear him..I was looking around soaking everything up.When a coyote came into about 10yrds facing my stand.I didn't see him an he didn't see me.About the time our eyes met an he caught my movement .I was busted.I would have loved to drive a arrow though that varmint. Not 5 minutes later another coyote came in from the same direction..This one had a limp.An came in 20 yards to my left downwind of me..I was surprised that it appeared my presence was unknown to him.I was pleased as it seemed all my scent control precautions may be working.I had no shot.I did make a noise as a last ditch effort to get the yotes attention.But to no avail it had other plans.I called it quits at about 10am..Went home an flung a few arrows.Before taking a nap.An getting ready for my evening hunt from my ground blind.


After my nap i go take another shower.I like to wear black while ground blind hunting.I pack my extra layer of black clothing in my pack..I head off on the long 65 yrd walk to my ground blind.At this point i can already feel that its going to be to warm to wear my black sweatshirt i planned to wear..I then go back to the house an get my mesh leafy suit.An get back in the blind.At least it doesn't feel like a sauna anymore.I keep my eyes peeled.Waiting an hoping to see something an maybe get a shot.There is a good chance it will be under 15yrds.Its quiet this evening.With the exception of the highway noise from Interstate 70 which is a 1/2mile or less away.That is until the neighbors decide to shoot some guns around 6pm.Within a 1/2 hour of them shooting guns.I see a deer!!! Never mind that it is running at full speed ..I guess that is the beauty of america.I have the right to bow hunt.An being we live in the country.My neighbors have the right to shoot there guns as they like..I have done the same..I called it quits at about 8pm.Sunset was7:19pm an last legal shooting light about 7:50pm .It felt good being out opening day.I decided to celebrate with beer.

Weather conditions Sept 25th
Mean Temperature 62 °F
Max Temperature 73 °F
Min Temperature 50 °F
Degree Days:
Heating Degree Days 4
Growing Degree Days 12 (Base 50)
Dew Point 49 °F
Average Humidity 62
Maximum Humidity 96
Minimum Humidity 37
Precipitation 0.00 in
Sea Level Pressure:
Sea Level Pressure 30.00 in
Wind Speed 6 mph (WNW)
Max Wind Speed 13 mph
Max Gust Speed 20 mph
Visibility 10 miles
Events none
Sunday Sept 26th

Your the BOSS!

I hear the noise of my family at 6am.The wife is getting thes kid ready an taking them to the sitters.She has to work at 7am..She says"Get up".I respond"I aint leaving with ya'll".She says"No your getting up an going hunting.Now GET MOVING HOT SHOT"!.She's the boss.....I roll out of bed make a thermos of coffee.Pass on the shower this morning,grab some pop tarts,Get dressed an spray down good with a combo of commercial scent elimination spray.As well as my home made version that i have complete faith in.Since i was running behind I decided to hunt the ground blind.The reasons being.I felt the blind would help keep me stay a bit warmer being it was 45 degrees.An help to suppress my scent a bit more since i didn't shower an follow my normal scent control regimen..It was a nice crisp morning.Until about 7:45am when the same neighbors that had been shooting guns the evening before.Decided to do it at 7:45am..Well Well!!!At this point the coffee had started to hit my stomach.An it was making sounds that im pretty sure was some sort of warning of the pending doom that was to come.I pack up an head to the house.That 65yrd walk..Was more of a trot..An the closer i got..The closer i was to making a big mess..I made it!!!! WOO HOO..

A late start

I wont get into this tree stand unless my wife is home.Due to not being able to wear a harness while in it.She was to get of work at 4pm.I figure i would be ready an when she got home I would head out..I figured around 5pm.Well between picking the kids up etc..I get a phone call.She is running late.Ends up more like 6pm..I am ready an waiting.I head towards the far end of my hunting area.I decide to take a different route then i did opening morning so i dont walk past the bedding area near my house.I take the long way around.My place used to be a semi pro paint ball Business.There is a old canopy type thing that had a PVC pipe frame.That had been blown down for a few years.As i approach it i hear WACKk. BOOM!.I had jumped a doe an she had been bedding in that canopy.Which if you ask me is a very unlikely spot for her to be at.Great i think to myself now every deer within 1/2 mile knows whats going on.At this point I felt i should not have even went in that late.I get to my stand climb up an sit..I see something out the corner of my eye I am hoping its a coyote or deer.It turns out its 3 turkeys. Fun to watch but the season hasn't started yet.An I didn't have a shot.The sun sets an i pack up ,climb down an head home.After 2 days an 10 to 15hrs hunting.The frustration of not seeing much in the way of deer is starting to set in.

Weather conditions Sept 26th
Mean Temperature 54 °F -
Max Temperature 62 °F
Min Temperature 46 °F
Degree Days:
Dew Point 45 °F
Average Humidity 69
Maximum Humidity 93
Minimum Humidity 53
Precipitation 0.00 in
Sea Level Pressure:
Sea Level Pressure 30.04 in
Wind Speed 3 mph (NNE)
Max Wind Speed 8 mph
Max Gust Speed -
Visibility 10 miles
Friday Oct 1st

The other opening day

In many states October 1st is opening day for archery deer season.I know many folks whom open there season on this day.It felt like my lucky day. I had just re fletched all my arrows after switching vanes.An they was flying as good as they looked.I decided to hunt the stand in the evening. The wind was Perfect.I also decided to try a vest style harness i had that i was able to make fit me with a little squatting an twisting(i wont go into detail here).i head in between 4:30 or 5pm..At this point i have jumped deer at both my main entry points to my stand..SO i decided to wing it.An walk quietly by the bedding area near my house.I made it an didn't jump a deer.I get to about 100 yards from the stand..An there is just no way to walk quietly at this point..There are leaves all over the ground.I hear a snort.I look up an there is a mature doe 45yards away an 2 smaller doe 35yards away..I am busted!!!! The mature doe snorts again an takes off.At this point the two younger does are behind a couple trees an they dont know what do to.I sneek a arrow out my quiver an nock it..I know if either one takes one step i might have a shot.I come to full draw.....Well almost.My left backpack strap has a water bottle buddylocked to it..I have to maneuver the bow around it .Then at full draw I come to the realization that upon release.My string an lord knows what else is gonna hit that water bottle.I let down from full draw an the deer finally wise up an bound off..Seems i am getting good at jumping deer on the way in..I almost give up an head back..But i dont..... I get to the stand,climb up an good news...The tree strap for this vest style harness fits the gigantor maple tree..i get all set up ..An sit..I watch the horse in the pasture next to me grazing.I sit there an wonder if it knows about the coyotes frequenting that same pasture?I also ponder if it knows how many deer i have jumped an if the horse is laughing at me in its head..You have alot of time to think while sitting there that is for sure.The squirrels start to run around an do what they do..One was lingering awful close to me an i think it tried to give me a lap dance.I politely declined..

From out of thin air

They just appeared.from out of thin air 18 to 20yrds away. It was two smaller does.They might have been the not so smart pair i had jumped less then two hours earlier.I keep hoping they dont bust me,hoping they come down the trail an into my well trimmed shooting lane..They do not..They just linger.Nothing between us but tree limbs.I keep looking for a spot to maybe"thread the needle"so to speak..I find a spot.An wait for her to step into to shot.She is 20yrds away an the gap in the brush is about 7yrds away.I am about 15ft up in the tree.I come to full draw.My ethics an better judgement know better..But i am a rookie,a newbie.An I long for that 1st deer kill.I am fully relaxed(sorta)I Breath,aim an Squeeze.Wack..I missed!!!The wack must have been a branch etc.She is clueless as to what just happened as is here friend.Shooting again doesn't even cross my mind.What does cross my mind is the fact that i just shot a 15$ arrow..An i dont know where it is at....The pair mill around a bit more.After they leave i decide to climb down before i lose daylight an find my beloved Gold tip/slick trick combo..I am frantic i cant find it.Then '"poof'' there it is.Sticking almost straight up 90 degrees to the ground.I head back home.Angry that i missed..But even more angry that i let myself take the shot..

Weather conditions Oct 1st

Mean Temperature 58 °F
Max Temperature 69 °F
Min Temperature 43 °F
Dew Point 44 °F
Average Humidity 65
Maximum Humidity 96
Minimum Humidity 36
Precipitation 0.00 in
Sea Level Pressure:
Sea Level Pressure 29.99 in
Wind Speed 5 mph (North)
Max Wind Speed 14 mph
Max Gust Speed 17 mph
Visibility 10 miles
Wednesday Oct 13th

A boy an his makeup

It has been almost 2 weeks since i got to hunt last.I had planned on hunting Wednesday.I lacked the motivation an preparation for a morning hunt.So i wanted to be out earlier then i had been most evenings.Considering i jump deer no matter which way i go in.This has happened on every evening hunt i have been on this year.The wind is light an perfect for my set up.I have everything ready an i am showered.But i cant find my facepaint..I ask my wife if she has seen it..She has not seen it.An refers to it as "my makeup".She finds humor in this..She also refer to any type of spray i use as "perfume'..She says im being to dramatic over makeup.An then she says something that made my jaw hit the floor.She said"You don't need makeup.The hair on your face will break up your outline"..Could it be she has listened to one of the many rambling
that consistently comes from my mouth at home,on the phone,or in the car,,365days a year.It must have been my plea for new camo..'But honey the ASAT camo will break up my outline better then my blobby looking mossy oak new break up"..

Houston we have liftoff!

I head out the back door a little before 4pm.Its about 300 yards to the 2 person stand on the far end of my area.I get the the mowed trail about 50 yards from my backdoor.I am trying to move slow an make a little noise as possible.I catch movement to my right.I duck down.nock a arrow and grab my binos.I try an make out what an exactly where the noise an movement is coming from.My heart starts to race and I decide to back track slowly about 10yards.It felt like 15minutes had passed.But i am sure it was less..The movement at the wood line edge has stopped.An then i see it...
Its my dad..He don't know im there an.I am more then slightly disappointed.I continue along the way.I get to 100yards in an cant decide which way to take..If i got right i go buy where i jumped 3 does last time in.If i got down farther then go right.I go right by where i jumped a does a few hunts ago..I decide to split the difference an go in the middle of the two..There really was no rhyme or reason to my decision.

Why should today be any different?
Just as i reach the point where i plan to turn east in off the mowed trail.I here a racket to my left(west).Once again i jumped a deer I assume it was a doe.as i rarely see bucks on this area.I don't think she snorted..To be honest i don't remember.I think i am getting used to the feeling of disappointment an failure when this happens.I guess i should just save this stand for early morning hunts..Where maybe i will encounter less deer..
I try an let things settle before moving on.I manage to make it to my stand without jumping anymore deer that i know of.I get settled an wait.

Whats next?
I sit with my thoughts.I watch a few squirrels an 1 chipmunk who is yelling at me an staring for a good 10 minutes..I want to shut him up..But i am trying to limit movement an commotion.I figure i made enough unneeded racket for a day.As i sit an think i wonder when an if i will ever get a deer.I then think of this Deer Diary.What happens to it when i do harvest my 1st deer..I enjoy writing these entries very much.An long for the next opportunity to hunt partially so i can write another entry.So when/if i do get a deer.It seems the Diary will die.The same as the deer that gets my slick trick tipped gold tip arrow.I sit till dark.Climb down take off my cheap vest harness.An trek home.Upon entering the house the wife has supper ready.An my 5 yr old ask the same thing he does every time."Did ya get a deer dad"?This question further reinforces my feelings of failure..I explain to him again.That you don't get a deer every time out..Or in my case anytime out.The questionable shots i passed on the past 2 years haunt me.An the one shot i took on an rushed last year.Still lingers in my mind.I Knew it was 30yrds.An i knew she would step out there near sunset.She did i rushed it ,Punched the trigger on my Tru-ball.An used MY 20PIN.A arrow going 240fps.Drops a good bit between 20 an 30 yards...I grazed here low..An never did find here.I keep in my mind there was only block on 1/3 of the arrows diameter..An only on 1 vane.After letting her be for a few hours then grid searching for a few hours.An only 20 feet of blood.I convinced myself she was still alive..Sore but alive.

Mean Temperature 54 °F -
Max Temperature 73 °F
Min Temperature 35 °F

Dew Point 38 °F
Average Humidity 64
Maximum Humidity 100
Minimum Humidity 20
Precipitation 0.00 in
Sea Level Pressure:
Sea Level Pressure 29.99 in
Wind Speed 1 mph (West)
Max Wind Speed 18 mph
Max Gust Speed 24 mph
Visibility 9 miles
Last edited:


*Supporting Member*
Massillon, Ohio
It'll haooen, keep at it, dont get discouraged. You'll be out there and it will all come together for ya. You will know it when it happens. Sometimes I just get that feeling in my gut that I am going to kill a deer that day...and it usally happens.
Friday Oct 15th

Ground blinds an bait

Well i have decided to no longer hunt the stand on the far side of my hunting area.Due to the fact that i cannot find a
good way through with out educating or jumping deer.My neighbors open lot would work great as a access point.But she is elderly an not keen on hunting.So im not going to waste my breathe there.I decided to move my ground blind from the wood line along my field.To the back side corner of a 50yrd by 50yrds patch of locust trees an briers.The backside corner has mowed around..So it seems like a good place to set the blind an set out some corn 20yrds to my left an 20yrds straight ahead of the blind.This is my first time every "baiting".My original intent was to have a set up for my son to sit with me an actually see something.But it has morphed into a set up i plan to use.I am not against bait..But if i was going to harvest animal i would prefer it not be over bait..Seems as i would take more pride in a non baited animal..

SO my almost 5yr old son an I hopped in the wife's GMC an loaded up some of the corn i purchased.We also to along a garden rake,lopping shears(large pruning shears),and a small hatchet.We loaded up an went an took the blind down..I am hit an miss when it comes to packing up this pop up blind.Sometimes its goes great other times it don't.This time it ace it..We head across the field down the brush hogged trail..He is plenty wide enough for a mid size SUV...We get out prep/rid the are of briers an suck from the ground..Having a 5yr old along is entertaing to say the least.By the time i get the blind set an sprayed down with scent eliminating spray an the corn dumped..It is almost dark..I decide i will have to brush it in another day.

"I should a got the woodside assistance"

After the weekend i am able to get back on Monday to brush the blind in..Me an the boy grab the riding mower an trailer an the shears and hatchet.We then proceed to find every sapling an low hanging branch with leaves still on it that might be of use.We accumulate what looks to be alot of good brush.We head to the blind an drop off the brush.To my amazement one pile of corn is untouched for the most part.An the other is GONE!!..Good thing i brought more.I then decide to make a large loop to turn around an maybe find a few more pieces of brush..An then it happened.. Well two things really... First i almost got stuck.Which would have sucked.Then after getting it out of the holes i was digging I ran out of gas..Keep in mind the sky is getting darker by the minute an its gonna pour down soon.I try an push it but its heading up hill an it just aint happening.I head back to the house my dad is next door an has my uncles ATV..i tell him grab a chain an pull me back up..He does..Its funny to see him on a ATV he is in his early 50s an riding this thing like a 15yr old.I told him if i was riding like that he would call me a idiot.We get it towed an parked in the pole building.Due to the rain coming i decide finishing the brushing in will have to wait yet another day.


Late Tues after noon.I head in to finish brushing in the blind.My son had been bad most of the day..So i tell him he will not be going out.An he has to stay indoors.I decide to take my bow along..An i shoot a 1/2dz arrows before heading down to the blind.I get down there an i hear my uncle on the ATV..He comes up..an says'"Hey there is a doe down in that bottom".I tell him yeah i have jumped her there a few times this year.He says"You wanna ride down an shoot her off the ATV."?I tell him nah...I dont think he knows or cares what is what..So i dont make a big deal out of it.I get the blind brushed decent..I didnt upload pics yet.I then sit in it an see how it is..If there are branches in the way etc...All seems good..I decide to sit till my stomach tell me its time to eat..An i head back home..