Interesting way to look at it. I hadn't considered it that way. As stated I'm observing. Undecided on my position about this. After reading your post I ponder their thoughts. Is it: perfect! Worked exactly as we intended. Or is it: Oh shit. We killed way more than we thought and didn't know how many we had to start with.
Could be either one in my eyes. Thanks Kim. Never thought about it that way. I'll continue only shooting does where I see a lot. In my area seeing 6-8 in a group is a lot. Always has been that way. A group of 6-8 mixed with yearlings and 2-4yr old does is a "nice sized group" on a property. Some hunts you see them. Some hunts they are on a neighboring property.
Please refer to posts 7 & 11 in this thread. Kim said it more elegantly, but this is the way i think and why i feel its a simple situation of successfully meeting a goal. Unfortunately it is a goal that does not represent the best interest of hunters and they are starting to voice their opinion. I fully support the efforts of the ODNR, its just a one sided conversation at this time so just like anything else in life when change is wanted, a squeeky wheel is created.