Senior Member
I have only had one opportunity at a mature doe this season outside of an urban property and that was this past Saturday during gun season in Ashtabula. Everything else has been little ones. From a buck perspective, I have not yet laid eyes on anything beyond half racked 1.5 yr olds (Ashtabula).
Talking to neighbors and sharing camera findings, we aren't getting more than the same 3 doe and young 7pt over corn.
Landowner hunted Monday and Friday of gun without seeing a deer. 4 of is were on 107 acres Saturday and Sunday while neighboring woodlots were getting driven. We saw 5 doe Saturday and 5 doe Sunday. Landowner and his son each shot one.
I guess, looking back, I could have shot the only mature doe I have seen, but what the hell good what that have done? I haven't been able to get out as much this year as in previous years but the last 2 years yielded being skunked more often than not.
It is evident there is a problem. I am open to be proven wrong, but I find it hard to believe the carrying capacity of the land and herd health is at risk leading Tonk to feel even more deer should be killed to lower the population further in Ashtabula...
The real issue is herd distribution and land access. I saw a total of 9 deer (excluding an 11 acre urban parcel) from opening day through Thanksgiving weekend. This includes seeing a whopping 1 button buck during 4 all day sits 11/6 - 11/9. I hunted the urban parcel 2 mornings in November and saw 27 deer....
There are pockets like my urban spot that are indeed over populated in my opinion. It is stupid crazy to have that much action and no I dont think that is what the hunting experience should be. I do feel i should lay eyes on more than 1 mature doe in 2 months though when hunting in a rural location.
Talking to neighbors and sharing camera findings, we aren't getting more than the same 3 doe and young 7pt over corn.
Landowner hunted Monday and Friday of gun without seeing a deer. 4 of is were on 107 acres Saturday and Sunday while neighboring woodlots were getting driven. We saw 5 doe Saturday and 5 doe Sunday. Landowner and his son each shot one.
I guess, looking back, I could have shot the only mature doe I have seen, but what the hell good what that have done? I haven't been able to get out as much this year as in previous years but the last 2 years yielded being skunked more often than not.
It is evident there is a problem. I am open to be proven wrong, but I find it hard to believe the carrying capacity of the land and herd health is at risk leading Tonk to feel even more deer should be killed to lower the population further in Ashtabula...
The real issue is herd distribution and land access. I saw a total of 9 deer (excluding an 11 acre urban parcel) from opening day through Thanksgiving weekend. This includes seeing a whopping 1 button buck during 4 all day sits 11/6 - 11/9. I hunted the urban parcel 2 mornings in November and saw 27 deer....
There are pockets like my urban spot that are indeed over populated in my opinion. It is stupid crazy to have that much action and no I dont think that is what the hunting experience should be. I do feel i should lay eyes on more than 1 mature doe in 2 months though when hunting in a rural location.